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surface. Due to their reduced cross section requirements, edge lane <br />roads have the potential to open up more roadways to accommodate <br />comfortable bicycle travel. <br />Protected Intersection <br />Also known as a Dutch -style Intersection, it is an intersection where <br />bicyclists are physically separated from cars at the corners using small <br />islands known as "Curb Refuge Islands" to separate and protect the <br />bicyclist traveling straight from the parallel motorists turning right, <br />thereby mitigating the right hook conflict. In protected intersections, <br />the bikeway is set back from the parallel motor vehicle traffic. Unlike at <br />conventional bike intersections, people biking are not forced to merge <br />into mixed traffic. Instead, they are given a dedicated path of travel <br />through the intersection, increasing the safety and level of comfort for <br />people biking in intersections, which typically are among the least safe <br />areas for bicyclists. <br />Green -Colored Transition Striping <br />Intersection or mid -block crossing markings indicate the intended path <br />of bicyclists. Colored striping can be used to highlight conflict areas <br />between bicyclists and vehicles, such as where bicycle lanes merge <br />across motor vehicle turn lanes. <br />High Visibility Crosswalks <br />High visibility crosswalk markings are designed to both guide pedes- <br />trians and to alert drivers of a crossing location. The bold pattern is <br />intended to enhance visual awareness. Cities in southern California <br />often install "continental" style markings due to their higher contrast on <br />a roadway. "Continental" style crosswalks only have a series of thick <br />lines the are painted parallel to the flow of traffic. Motor vehicles travel <br />directly over or next to the thick lines, thereby reducing maintenance <br />costs. Continental crosswalks are also safer due to the higher visibility <br />compared to standard crosswalks. Ladder style crosswalks, which in- <br />clude parallel lines perpendicular to the flow of traffic, are not recom- <br />mended due to the added maintenance costs. <br />Lane Width Reductions <br />Protected Intersection, Source: Nacto <br />101 <br />Green -Colored Transition Striping, Source: VDOT <br />High Visibility Crosswalk <br />84 <br />