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TOOLBOX OF POTENTIAL STREET IMPROVEMENTS <br />Reducing vehicle lane widths may reduce travel speeds to slow down <br />speeding cars. It also gives space to non -vehicle road uses such as <br />bicycle facilities. Moreover, November 2023 research from John Hop- <br />kins University found that 10 foot lanes increase motor vehicle safety <br />over wider lanes, while also giving more space for multimodal travel. <br />It's considered a win -win scenario. <br />Road Buffets or Lane Reductions <br />Road buffets reallocate the uses of a roadway, reducing the number of <br />travel lanes to make space for a center turn lane, median or pedestrian <br />refuge island, protected bicycle facilities, curb extensions, and other <br />traffic calming and vision zero treatments. <br />Signs, Signal Timing, Signal Infrastructure <br />Pedestrian Countdown Signal Heads <br />Pedestrian countdown signals are an added display to a standard pe- <br />destrian signal head. These display a countdown of the seconds re- <br />maining until it is safe and permitted to cross. <br />Reflective Border on Signal Heads <br />Reflective borders on signal heads improves visibility of signal heads <br />with a backplate and is made even more conspicuous by framing it <br />with a yellow retroreflective border. These are more visible in both day- <br />time and nighttime conditions. <br />Pedestrian Signals and Beacons <br />Traditional pedestrian signals with countdown timers remain the gold <br />standard for high quality pedestrian crossings, although some cases <br />warrant new signal technologies. Pedestrian Hybrid Beacons (PHBs) <br />and Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacons (RRFBs) are special beacons <br />used to warn and control traffic at unsignalized locations to assist pe- <br />destrians in crossing a street via a marked crosswalk. PHBs include a <br />"red phase" requiring vehicles to come to a full stop while RRFBs re- <br />quire yielding to pedestrians and stopping when pedestrians are pres- <br />ent. Either of these devices should be installed at locations that have <br />pedestrian desire lines and that connect people to popular destina- <br />Road Buffet or Lane Reduction <br />Pedestrian Hybrid Beacon (PHB) <br />Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacon (RRFB) <br />SANTAANA VISION ZERO PLAN 85 <br />