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Section 24. There is hereby appropriated out of <br />the Treasury of the City of Santa Aha for the fiscal <br />year beginn~ng July 1, 1954~for the Library Acquisi- <br />tion & Construction Fund the aggregate sum of Thirty- <br />four Thousa~Two Hundred, Twenty Dollars ($34,220.00) <br />appropriated and restricted for the function, depart- <br />ments and/or activities hereinafter set forth in the <br />amounts shown, as follows: <br /> <br />Code No~ Fmnctionm Departmentm Activit~ <br />61-LIBRARYACQUISITIOi & CONST. FUND <br /> <br />Appropriation <br /> <br />212-City Library-Construction <br /> <br />$ 34,220~00 <br /> <br />TSTAL LIBRAP~ ACQUISITION & CONST. FUND <br /> <br />$ 34~220~OO <br /> <br /> Section 25, There is hereby appropriated out of <br />the Treasury of the City of Santa Aha for the fiscal <br />year beginning July 1, 1954 for the City Hall Acquisi- <br />tion & Construction Fund the aggregate sum of Two <br />Hundred, Three Thousand, Four Hundred, Thirty-five <br />Dollars ($203,435.00) appropriated and restricted for <br />the function, departments and/or activtt.ies herein- <br />after set forth in the amounts shown, as follows: <br /> <br />Code No. Fanctlonm Department~ Actlvit~ <br />62-CI~"Z HALL ACQUISITION & CONST. FuND <br /> <br />Appropriation <br /> <br />129-City Manager-City Hall Construction <br /> <br />TOTAL CITY HALL ACQUISITION & CONST. FUND <br /> <br />$203,435.00 <br />~203,435,OO <br /> <br /> Section 26. There is hereby appropriated out of <br />the Treasury of the City of Santa Aha for the fiscal <br />year beginning July 1, 1954, for the Equipment Maint- <br />enance Fund the aggregate sum of One Hundred, Sixty- <br />two Thousand[Four Hundred Dollars ($162,4OO.OO) <br />appropriated and restricted for the function, depart- <br />ments and/or activities hereinafter set forth in the <br />amounts shown, as follows: <br /> <br />Code No. Function, Department~ Activit~ Appropriation <br /> <br />7~-EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE FUND <br /> <br />4lO-Equipment Maintenance-Depreciation Trans. $ 40,635.00 <br />411-Equipment Maintenance-$arage Operation <br /> <br />TOTAL EQUIPMENT N~NTENANCE FUND <br /> <br />$162,400.O0 <br /> <br />-10- <br /> <br /> <br />