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Section 2?. There is hereby appropriated out of the <br />Treasury of the City of Santa Aaa for the fiscal year begin- <br />ming July 1, 195~, for the Equipment lep~&c.eme~t Fund the <br />aggregate sum of Ninety-four Thousand, Eight Hundred, Sixty- <br />Five Dollars ($9~,865.00) appropriated and restricted for <br />the function, departments and/or activities hereinafter <br />set forth in the amounts shown, as follows: <br /> <br />Code No. Function~ Department~ Aotivit[ <br /> <br />~propriation <br /> <br />?6-RQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT FUND <br /> <br />l$5-Equipment Replacement-Purchases <br />TOTAL EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT FUND <br /> <br />$ <br /> <br />$ ,865.oo <br /> <br /> Section 28. There is hereby ~ppropriated out of the <br />Treasury of the City of Santa Ama for the fiscal year begin- <br />ning July 1, 1955, for the Retirement System Revolving Fund <br />the aggregate sum of Two Nundre~ Eighty. one'iThousafld,~One <br />Nundred Dollars ($281,100.00) appropriated and restricted <br />for the function, departments and/or activities hereinafter <br />set forth in the amounts shown, aa follows: <br /> <br />~ede No. FunotiOn~ Depar~ment~ Aotivit[ <br /> <br />~ppropriation <br /> <br />?8-RETIREMENT SYSTEM REVOLVING F~ND <br /> <br />l~9-Finance Dept.-Retire. Sys. Payments <br /> <br />$281,100.00 <br /> <br />TOTAL RETIREHENT SYSTEM REVOLVING FUND <br /> <br />$281,100.00 <br /> <br /> Section 29. The appropriations hereinbefore set <br />forth shall constitute the maximum expenditure authorized <br />for the function, depart~aent and/or activity opposite which <br />the amount of such appropriation is shown. <br /> <br /> Section 30- No warrant shall be issue~ or indebted- <br />ness incurred which exoee~ the unexpended balance of the <br />activity appropriations hereinbefore authorized ~nless such <br />appropriations shall have been amended by a supplemental <br />appropriation duly enacted by this Council in conformance <br />with Section 609 of the Santa Ama City Charter. <br /> <br /> Section 31. The City M~uager is hereby authorized <br />to make budgetary revisions within an activity appropri- <br />ation if in his opinion such revision is necessary or proper. <br /> <br /> Section 32. One copy of this appropriation Ordinance <br />together with an authenticated amended budget shall be by <br />the Clerk of the Council transmitted to the Director of <br />Finance <br /> <br />-11- <br /> <br /> <br />