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Section 10. There is hereby appropriated out of the <br />Treasury of the City of Santa A~ua for the fiscal year <br />beginning July 1, 1954, for the Santa Ana Main Line <br />Sewer Bond Fund the aggregate sum of Thirteen Thousand, <br />Two Hundre~Dollars ($13,2OO.OO) appropriated and re-' <br />stricted for the function, departments and/or activities <br />hereinafter set forth in the amounts shown, as follows: <br /> <br />Code No. ~anction, Depar.tment, Activity ApPropriation <br /> <br />33-SANTAANAMAIN LINE SEWER BONDFUND <br /> <br />ll3-City Cou_ucil--Inter-~und Reserves <br />176-City Treasurer-Bond Payments <br /> <br />TOTAL S~NTA ANANAIN LINE SE~E~BONDFUND <br /> <br />$ 8,600.00 <br /> 4,600'00 <br /> <br />$ 13,2OO.00 <br /> <br /> Section 11. There is hereby appropriated out of <br />the Treasury of the City of Santa Ama for the fiscal <br />year beginning July l, 1954, for the Joint Outfall <br />Bewer Completion Bond Fund the aggregate sum of Nine- <br />teen Thousand, Three Hundred, Fifty Dollars ($19,350.00) <br />appropriated and restricted for the function, depart- <br />merits and/or activities hereinafter set forth in the <br />amounts shown, as follows: <br /> <br />Code No. ~nctio~ Departmen% Activity. Appropriation <br /> <br />36-JOINT OUTFALL SEWER COMPLETION BOND ~UND <br /> <br />ll3-City Council--Inter-Fund Reserves <br />176-City Treasurer-Bond Payments <br /> <br />$ 12,600.00 <br /> 6,750.00 <br /> <br />TOTAL JOINT 0UTFALL SEWER COMPLETION BOND FUND $19,350.00 <br /> <br /> Section 12. There is hereby apPropriated out of <br />the Treasury of the 0ity of Santa Aha for the fiscal <br />year beginning July l, 1954, for the City Hall Bonds <br />#3 ~mnd the aggregate sum of Four Thousan~ Eighty <br />Dollars ($4,080.00) appropriated and reetricted for <br />the function, departments and/or activities herein- <br />after set forth in the amounts shown, as follows: <br /> <br />Code No. ~ction~ Departmen% Activit~ <br /> <br />3?-CITYEALT. BONDS #3 ~ <br /> <br />ll3-Clty Council--Inter-~and Reserves $ 4,080.00 <br />l?6-City Treasurer-Bond Payments <br /> <br />TOTAL CITY EALL BONDS ~3 ~und $ 4,080.00 <br /> <br />Appropriation <br /> <br />-5- <br /> <br /> <br />