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Section 13~ There is hereby appropriated out of <br />t~~ Treasury of the City'of Santa Aha for the fiscal <br />year beginning July 1, 1954, for the Municipal Improve- <br />ment Bond Pund the aggregate sum of One Hundred, Fifty <br />Thousa~ Five Hundred, Eighty-five Dollars and Twenty- <br />two Cents ($150,585.22) appropriated and restricted for <br />the function, departments and/or activities hereinafter <br />set forth in the amounts shown, as follows: <br /> <br />~e No. Function, Department, Activity <br />38-MUNICIPAL IMPROVENENT BOND FUND <br /> <br />Approoriation <br /> <br />ll3-Clty Council--Inter-Fund Reserves <br />176-City Treasurer-Bond Payments <br /> <br />MUNICIPAL IMPROVEMENT BOND FUND <br /> <br />$ 63,866.4? <br /> 86,718.75 <br /> <br />$15o,585.22 <br /> <br /> Section 14. There is hereby appropriated out of <br />the Treasury of the City of Santa Aha for the fiscal <br />year beginning July 1, 1954, for the Fire Department <br />Bonds Fund the aggregate sum of Fifty-two Thousam~, <br />Eight Hundred, Eighty-two Dollars and Eighty-five <br />Cents ($52,882.85) appropriated and restricted for <br />the function, departments and/or activities herein- <br />after set forth in the amounts shown, as follows: <br /> <br />q~de No. Function, Department, Activit~ <br /> <br />Appropriation <br /> <br />39-FIRE DEPARTMENT BONDS FUND <br /> <br />ll3-City Council--Inter-~mnd Reserves <br />l?6-01ty Treasurer-Bond Payments <br /> <br />$ 26,545.35 <br /> 26,337.50 <br /> <br />TOTAL FIRE DEPARTMENT BONDS FUND <br /> <br />$ 52,882.85 <br /> <br /> Section 15. There is hereby appropriated out of <br />the Treasury of the City of Santa Aha for the fiscal <br />year beginning July l, 1954, for the General Capital <br />Outlay Fund the aggregate sum of Three Hundred, <br />Eighteen Thousan~Eight Hundred, Ninety Dollars <br />($318,890.O0) appropriated and restricted for the <br />function, departments and/or activities hereinafter <br />set forth in the amounts shown, as follows: <br /> <br /> No. Function, Depar~ment.~. Activlt~ Appropriation <br /> <br />51-GENEBAL CAPITAL OUTLAY FUND <br /> <br />liS-Clerk of the Oounci!-Admin. of Office <br />121-City Manager-Admin. of Office <br />131-City Attorney-Admin. of Office <br />141-Personnel Office-Administration <br />151-Planning Department-Admin. <br />l?l-Flnanoe Dept.-Div. of Accounts <br />18A-Civil Defense Dept.-Admin. <br />191-City Council-Misc. Sites <br />231-Reef. & Parks Dept.-Parks Admin. <br />242-Recr. & Parks Dept.-Olty Hall <br /> <br />$ 280.00 <br /> ?50.00 <br /> 95o.oo <br /> <br /> 55o.oo <br /> 1,300.00 <br /> 1,050.00 <br /> 25,000.00 <br /> 129,200.O0 <br /> 1,OOO.00 <br /> <br />-6- <br /> <br /> <br />