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tank in the alley because of water mains, sewers, telephone, conduit, or <br />ether public utilities, tanks for the storage of Class II inflammable liquids, <br />not in excess of l~O00 gallons, may be installed in the basement of buildings if <br />installed with the top of the said tank 2 feet under the floor of said basement <br />and otherwise installed as is provided for in this Section for underground <br />storage of tanks. The limit of storage permitted shall depend upon the loca- <br />tion of the tank with respect to the building to be supplied and adjacent <br />buildings and shall be as follows: <br /> <br />Minimtnn distance from underground tanks for $1ass I or II inflammable <br />liquids to basements or to line of adjoining property that may be built upon: <br /> <br />Individual Tank Capacity <br />Class I and II <br /> <br /> 550 gallons <br /> <br />5,000 " <br />t0, O00 " <br />l~, 000 " <br />Unlimited <br /> <br /> Location <br />If top of tank is above the lowest <br />floor, basement, or part of any <br />building which is not less than: <br /> <br /> ~ feet away <br /> <br /> l~ " " <br /> 20 " " <br /> <br />The above regulations are to apply to all types of underground storage. ,, <br />SECTION 2. This Ordinance is urgently required as an emergency measure for pre- <br />serving the public peace, health and safety for the following reasons: Installations <br />contrary to the provisions of this Ordinance have been shown to be dangerous to the <br />health, safety of the people and property in the vicinity of such installatiohs and <br />it is reported that installations contrary to the provisions hereof are being con- <br />sidered or may be installed within the City which will reo~stitute an immediate and <br />continuing danger to persons and property in the area of such installation and to pre- <br />vent the loss of life aud property and in~ttry or damage to the same. It is impera- <br />tive that this Ordinance be adopted as an emergency measure. <br /> <br /> SECTIOE ~. The Clerk of the Council shall certify to the passage and adoption <br />of this Ordinance and shall cause the same to be published on the earliest possible <br />date and in any event within l~ days of the date of its adoption, in one issue of <br />the Santa Ana Independent. <br /> <br /> PASSED AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Santa Ana at its regular <br /> <br />meeting held on the !Sth day of A~gust , 19~. <br /> <br />CLERK OF THE COUNCIL <br /> <br /> <br />