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· to the same pu~p discharge, an additional ~anual valve shall be provided at <br /> <br /> the base of each dispenser with a union between the valve and the dispenser. <br /> <br /> (c) The pipe system between the pump and dispenser, but not including <br /> the p~m~o nor the dispenser, shall be tested ~drostatically to 7~ psig for l~ <br /> minutes to insure tightness. The test liquid shall be that for which the <br /> system is intended. <br /> <br /> (d) Hydrostatic tests shall be conduoted in the presence of the Chief of <br /> the Fire Department or kis authorized deputies and no subsurface portion of <br /> <br /> the system shall be covered until it has been approved. <br /> SECTION 3121.13. Electrical Equipment. <br /> <br /> (a) Any p~mp motor circuit shall be energized by a switch located on <br /> each dispenser connected to it which shall be operated by removal or replace- <br /> ment of the nozzle in its bracket. <br /> <br /> (b) A clearly labelled manually operated pum~ master switch shall be <br /> provided in an approved location, within 7~ feet of, but not nearer than l~ <br /> feet to, any dispenser. Where such master switch is not visible from all dis- <br /> pensers, the location thereof shall be indicated by approved signs. <br /> <br /> (c) In lieu of a manually operated pum~ master switch, an approved auto~ <br /> matic device which will stop the flow in the event of damage to the dispenser <br /> may be provided. <br /> <br /> (d) The master switch or all individual p~mp circuit switches shall be <br /> set in the off position before closing the service station for business at any <br /> time. <br /> <br /> SECTION 3121.1~. Underground Storage, Depth and Cover. <br /> <br /> Underground tanks shall be set on firm foundation and surrounded with soft <br /> earth or sand well-t~mped in place. Tanks shall be covered with a minimum <br /> of 2 feet of earth, or shall be covered with not less than i foot of earth on <br /> top of wkich shall be placed a slab of reinforced concrete not less than ~ <br /> inches tkick. When subjected to traffic or likely to be so subjected in the <br /> future, ta~ks shall be protected against damage from vehicles passing over <br /> them by at least 3 feet of earth cover, or 18 inches of well-tmm~ed earth <br /> plus either 8 inches of asphaltic concrete or 6 inches of reinforced concrete. <br /> When asphaltic or reinforced concrete paving is used as part of the protection, <br /> it must extend at least i foot horizontally beyond the outline of the tank <br /> in all directions. Provided, that where it is impossible to place a storage <br /> <br /> <br />