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(5) Public utility buildings and structures including electric distri- <br /> bution and transmission substations. <br />(6) Golf courses specifically excluding miniature and pitch and putt golf <br /> courses and driving ranges. <br />(7) Fire Station. <br />(8) Temporary directional signs. <br /> <br />SECTION 9230.22. Building Height. <br /> <br /> No structure shall exceed two (2) stories or thirty-five (35) feet. <br />SECTION 9230.23. Front Yard. <br /> <br /> There shell be a front yard of not less then twenty-five (25) feet. <br />SECTION 9230.24~ Side Yard. <br /> <br /> Each side yard shall be ten (10) percent of the average lot width, provided, <br />however, that the maximum side yard required under this provision need not exceed <br />twenty (20) feet. On corner lots the side yard on the street side shall be not <br />less than tan (10) feet. <br /> <br />SECTION 9230.25. Rear Yard. <br /> <br /> There shell be a rear yard of not less than t~enty-five (25) feet. <br /> <br />SECTION 9230.26. Off-Street Parking. <br /> <br /> Off-street parking shall be provided in the manner prescribed in <br />Part IV of this Chapter. <br /> <br />SECTION 9230.40, R1 (Single-Family Residence District). <br /> <br />SECTION 9230.41. Uses Permitted. <br /> <br /> (a) If on April 20, 1939, there did exist on the rear half of a lot a one- <br />family dwelling, then an additional one-fsmily dwelling may b · erected on the <br />front half of such lot, whereon the dwelling upon the rear half shall assume the <br />status of a nonconforming building, and provided that this provision shall not <br />apply to an~ lot considered substandard under the provisions of the Municipal Code. <br /> (b) One (1) single-family dwelling including private garages. <br />(c) Private green houses and horticulture collections for domestic non- <br />commercial use, flower and vegetable gardens, fruit trees or ar~ agricultural crop. <br /> (d) One (1) temporary real estate office devoted to the sale of real estate <br />in the tract in which it is located, for a period of time not to exceed one (1) <br />year. <br /> (e) One (1) unlighted sign not exceeding six (6) square feet in area per- <br />raining only to the sale, lease or hire of the particular building, property or <br />premises upon which displayed. No other advertiSing signs, structures or devices <br />of any character shall be permitted. (f) Accessory Buildings. <br /> (g) Maintaining mail address for commercial and business license purposes <br />only, provided there is no display, storage of materials or supplies, no stock in <br />trade or commodity sold upon the premises, no service rendered, no prOfessional <br />equipment, apparatus or business equipment or trucks kept or stored on the premises, <br />no person, employee, or assistant in connection therewith engaged for services on <br />the premises or dispatched from the premises; and no mechanical equipment used <br />except as is customarily used for housekeeping purposes. <br /> (h) The following additional uses subject to the issuance of an approved <br />Conditional Use Permit as prescribed in Part V of this Chapter. (1) Churches and accessor7 church buildings. <br /> (2) Public schools~ colleges and universities which may include <br /> on the campus - dormitories, libraries, museums, university union <br /> buildings and art galleries, which are owned and operated by the <br /> university. <br /> <br /> <br />