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SECTION 923Oe160. CD (Civic Development District). <br /> <br />SECTION 9230.161. Purpose. <br /> The Civic Development District is hereby authorized and may be established by <br />the City Council for the purpose of encouraging, securing and maintaining the <br />orderly and harmonious appearance, attractiveness and aesthetic development of struc- <br />tures and grounds in order that the most appropriate use and value thereof be deter- <br />mined and protected and that the public health, safety and general welfare be <br /> <br />SECTION 9230.162. Ubs Permitted. <br /> (a) Official and public uses of property and related activities such as Civic <br />Center buildings, auditoriums, and similar public structures. <br /> (b) Ail uses permitted in the P District provided multiple family dwellings <br />and apartments shall be subject to Section 9230.102, and Section 9230.104 of the <br />R3H District. <br /> <br /> (c) Accessory commercial uses in conjunction with the above provided that such <br />uses shall be traditionally incidental to and secondary to uses permitted in <br />paragraphs (a) and (b) of this Section. <br /> <br />SECTION 9230.163. Submission of Development Pl.ans. Architectural Review. <br /> (a) .lny application for permit for a building or structure in the CD District <br />shall be accompanied by architectural dra~vings or sketches and plot plans, all to a <br />workable scale, showing the elevation of the proposed building or structure, signs, <br />proposed landscaping or other treatment of grounds around such building or struc- <br />ture, off-street parking and other physical features such as tre~s, hydrants, poles~ <br />etc., and said plans shall be filed with the Planning Department. <br /> (b) Upon receipt of said application by the Planning Department the same shall <br />be referred to the Planning Commission who shall consider said plans in an endeavor <br />to provide that such buildings or structures and grounds be in keeping with the <br />neighborhood and such as not to be detrimental to the harmonious development of the <br />City or to impair the desirability of investment or occupation in the neighborhood. <br />In event the applicant is not satisfied ~ith the action of the Planning Commission, <br />he may, within thirty (30) days, appeal in writing to the City Council and said <br />Council shall render its decision within thirty (30) days. <br /> (c) The Planning Commission may, upon approval of the City Council, establish <br />an ~rchitectural Review Committee, which sh~ll include a minimum of six (6) members <br />consisting of the Directors of Planning, Building and Safety, Public ~?orks, at <br />least one (1) licensed architect, one (1) building contractor and one (1) realtor. <br />Ail members other than the aforementioned three city officials shall be a~pointed <br />by the Planning Connission. Said committee shall review said plans, sketches and <br />elevations, and recommend to the Commission approval or disapproval of the same. <br />Ail approvals shall be based on standards of good architectural design. Such stan- <br />dards shall be entitled "Drawings and Illustrated Architectural Standards for <br />properties in the C D (Civic ~evelopmen~) District". Said standards shall be <br />approved by the Planning Commission and City Co~ncil prior to their use by the <br />Architectural Review Committee, and shall be on file in the Departments of Planning <br />and Building and Safety. Furthermore the "Drawings and Illustrated Architectural <br />Standards" shall show desirable architectural standards but are not designs which <br />must be copied in order to secure approval of plans. <br /> (d) If the aforementioned ~rchitectural Review Committee has been established, <br />%be Planning Comm4ssion shall not render a decision approving or disapproving the <br />apDlication until a written recommendation has been filed ~ith the Commission from <br />said Committee. Said written recommendation by the ~rchitectural Review Committee <br />shall be submitted to the Flanning Commission within seven (7) days from initial <br />receipt of said application by the Planning Department unless it is deemed necessary <br />by the Committee that an extension of time is necessary to review said application. <br />The extension of time shall be mutually agreed upon by the applicant and the <br />Committee. In no case shall said extension of time be f$r a period to exceed <br />thirty (30) days from initial receipt of the application. <br /> (e) No permit shall be issued in any case hereinabove mentioned until such <br />drawings and sketches have been approved by the Planning Commission or by the Cit~ <br />Council in the event of appeal from the Planning Commission, and all buildings, <br />structures and grounds shall be in accordance with the drav~ings, sketches and <br />recommended modifications imposed by the Corz~ission or 'Council~ <br /> <br />SECTION 9230.164. Yards, Building height, Off-Street Parking~ <br /> The same as permitted in the C3 District, except us may be modified by the <br />Plarming Commission and City Council in their approval of plans, sketches and <br />elevations as provided in Section 9230.143 of this District. <br /> <br /> <br />