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SECTION 9230.165. Sign Regulations. <br /> <br /> The same as permitted in the C1 District except as may be modified by the <br />Planning Co~nission and City Council in their approval of plans, sketches and <br />elevations as provided in Section 9230.1&3 of this District. <br /> <br />SECTION 9230.1~O. C1 (Community Comm~ercial District). <br /> <br />SECTION 9230.181. Uses Permitted. <br /> <br /> (a) Administrative and professional offices. <br /> (b) Any wholly retail store, trade or service but excluding sheet metal <br />shops, body-fender works, automobile paint shop, repair garages, and any activity <br />which includesthe prOcessing, ~reatment, manufacturing, assembling, or compounding, <br />of any product other than that which is clearly and traditionally incidental and <br />essential to a particular retail activity. <br /> (c) Other retail or service uses including but not limited to the following: <br /> (1) Automobile parking lots and parking garages. <br /> (2)Automobile sales lots, both new and used but excluding <br /> trailers, boats and tractors (semi-trucks). <br /> (3) Buildings of public assemblage limited to churches, chapels, <br /> mortuaries and theaters. <br /> (4) Clubs, fraternal organizations and unions. <br /> (5) Hospitals, clinics, sa~itariums, including animal hospitals. <br /> (6) ~gotels and hotels. <br /> (7) Nurseries. <br /> (8) Outdoor recreational facilities excluding circuses and carnivals. <br /> (9) Public buildings and public utility structures including electric <br /> distribution ar~ transmissions substations. <br /> (10) Restaurants, ca,es, cocktail lounges and drive-in eating <br /> establishments. <br /> (11) Schools and studios operated for cor~ercial and public purposes. <br /> (12) Dwelling units when erected above the ground floor of a commercial <br /> structure when the ground floor is devoted exclusively to non- <br /> residential use. <br /> (13) Rest homes, convalescent homes, old age homes and day nurseries. <br /> (14) Signs as follows: <br /> (a) One single faced non flashing sign not more than twenty-four (24) <br /> square feet in area pertaining only to the sale, lease or hire <br /> of the particular building, lot or premises upon which displayed. <br /> (b) Single faced or double faced flashing or non flashing signs <br /> pertaining only to business conducted on the premises. <br /> (15) Structural alterations and additions may be made to existing <br /> residential uses provided that such alterations and additions will <br /> in no way increase the number of dwelling units contained on the <br /> lot. <br /> (16) The following uses subject to the issuance of an approved <br /> conditional use permit. <br /> (a) Trailer Parks. <br /> (b) Bill boards and advertising structures pertaining to <br /> a business or product not conducted or sold on the lot upon <br /> which said sign is displayed. <br /> <br /> <br />