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SECTION 9230.182. Operational Standards. <br /> <br /> (a) All items stored or offered for sale or all activities shall be within <br />an enclosed building except the following: <br /> (1) The pump islands of service stations. <br /> (2) Parking lots. <br /> (3) Drive-in restaurants. <br /> (4) Nurseries. <br /> (5) Automobile sales. <br /> (6) Outdoor recreational uses and sidewalk cafes. <br /> (7) Goods displayed in a recessed entryway if under the natural eave <br /> line shall be considered to be within a building. <br /> (8) Public Utility electric distribution and lransmission substations. <br /> Storage of goods shall be limited to those sold at retail on the <br /> <br />(b) <br />premises. <br /> (c) <br /> <br /> Ar~ use permitted herein may be prohibited by reason of noise, odor, <br />dust, smoke, steam, vibration or electrical interference with adjacent residential <br />home accessories. <br /> (d) Public utility electric distribution and transmission sub-stations shall <br />erect and maintain a screening and protective fence not less than six (6) feet <br />high regardless of other provisions contained in this Chapter except as provided <br />in Article III, Chapter 2 of this Code. <br /> <br />SECTION 9230.183. Building Height Limit. <br /> <br />No structure shall exceed two (2) stories or thirty-five (35) feet. <br /> <br />SECTION 9230.184. Front Yard. <br /> <br />None. <br /> <br />SECTION 9230.185. Side Yard. <br /> <br />None. <br /> <br />SECTION 9230.186. Rear Yard. <br /> <br />There shall be a rear yard of not less than ten (10) feet. <br /> <br />SECTION 9230.187. Off-Street Parking. <br /> <br /> Off-street parking shall be provided in the manner <br />in Part IV of this Chapter. <br /> <br />~. prescribed <br /> <br />SECTION 9230.200. C2 (General Comercial District). <br /> <br />SECTION 9230.201. Uses Permitted. <br /> <br /> (a) Ail uses permitted in the C1 District but subject to the conditions, <br />restrictions and limitations of this District. <br /> (b) Advertising signs and structures including billboards. <br /> (c) Amusement enterprises including carnivals and circuses operating not <br />longer than 10 days within a six-month period. <br /> (d) Automotive garages including body and fender repair, painting, and <br />engine replacement. <br /> (e) Blueprinting, photo engraving, including all types of reproductioh <br />processes. <br /> (f) Enclosed storage. <br /> (g) Entertainment canters including but not l~ted to night clubs, bowling <br />alleys, dance halls, skating rinks, sports stadiums, arenas and outdoor theaters. <br /> (h) Equipment rental yards for lightmachinery. <br /> (i) Netal shops. <br /> (j) Tire recapping. <br /> (k) ~'~olesale establishments as follows: <br /> (1) Automotive equipment, including par~s and supplies for machinery. <br /> (2) Drugs, chemicals and allied products excluding explosives and <br /> industrial chemicals. <br /> <br /> <br />