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SECTION 9230.225. Off-Street Parking. <br /> <br /> Off-street parking shall be provided in the manner prescribed by <br />Part IV of this Chapter except that required parking m~: <br /> (a) Be within three hundred (300) feet of the use it serves. <br /> (b) Be waived by the Planning Commission and City Council if a statement <br /> be filed, signed by the property owner and notarized stating that~ <br /> (1) The structure is designed, intended and used for non-residential <br /> purposes. <br /> (2) The owner is economically and practically unable to provide parking <br /> facilities. <br /> (3) Such parking requirement would result in severe, unreasonable <br /> hardship which would preclude the possibility of ar~ development <br /> or modification whatever. <br /> <br />SECTION 9230.240. C4 (Planned Shopping Center District) <br /> <br />SECTION 9230.241. Uses Permitted. <br /> <br />Any wholly retail store, business, office or service. <br /> <br />SECTION 9230.242. Operational Standards. <br /> <br /> (a) Any activities permitted in this District shall be conducted wholly <br />within an enclosed building except the pump islands of service stations, parking <br />facilities, sidewalk cafes, news and flower stands. <br /> (b) There shall be no manufacturing, processing, compounding, assembling or <br />treatment of any material or product other than that which is clearly and tradi- <br />tionally incidental to a particular retail enterprise, and where such goods are <br />sold on the premises. <br /> (c) Developmer~ plans shall be submitted to the Planning Department and <br />shall include building placement, parking facilities, internal vehicular circu- <br />lation, access to public rights of way and type of advertising signs. The plans <br />shall also indicate the priority cf construction and the estimated completion <br />date. These plans shall be approved with or without modification or denied by <br />the Planning Department within thirty (30) days of receipt of said plans. Any <br />decision may be appealed to the Planning Commission and then to the City Council. <br /> (d) A concrete block wall not less than five (5) feet nor more than six (6) <br />feet in height shall be erected along any lot line contiguous to any residentially <br />zoned property excepting said wall shall not exceed the height limitations as <br />prescribed in Section 9244 of this Chapter. Said fence requirement may be waived <br />by the Planning Comm~ssionwhen it shall be found that the abutting residential <br />zoned property is ina period of transition to commercial, professional or <br />industrial usage or because of other extenuating circumstances where said fence <br />would not ~ro~oto tho public health, w~lf~re or s~fety, <br /> <br />SECTION 9230.243. Building Height. <br /> <br />None. <br /> <br />SECTION 9230.244. Minimum Area. <br /> <br /> Any property classified C4 shall have not less than four (4) acres under <br />single ownership, partnership, association or corporation. <br /> <br />SECTION 9230.245. Yards. <br /> <br /> There shall be no required yards unless the site is adjacent to property in <br />any "R" District in which case all yards shall be not less than ten (10) feet. <br />There shall be a side yard of mmt less than ten (10) feet on the street side of <br />a corner 1Otc <br /> <br />SECTION 9230.246. Off-Street Parking. <br /> <br /> Off-street parking shall be provided in the manner <br />Part IV of this Chapter. <br /> <br />· prescribed by <br /> <br />-23~ <br /> <br /> <br />