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SECTION 9230.300. N 2 (Heavy Industrial District) <br /> <br />SECTION 9230.301. Uses Permitted. <br /> <br /> (a) Any use unconditionally permitted in the M 1 District. <br /> (b) Any other industrial or nonindustrial use not in conflict with any <br />other Ordinance of the City regulating nuisances and no~ listed as a conditionally <br />permitted use set forth in paragraph (c) of this Section. Nothing contained <br />herein is to be construed to permit the use of any properby for residential <br />subdivision or any other residential use other than permanent quarters for a <br />guard, custodian or caretaker. <br /> (c) The following uses subject to the issuance of an approved conditional <br /> <br />use permit as <br /> (1) <br /> <br /> prescribed in Part V of this Chapter. <br /> Any professional, retail or service use permitted in the <br /> Professional and Commercial Districts. <br /> (2) Acid manufacturing. <br /> (3) Automobile wrecking yards and salvage yards. <br /> (4) Cement, lime, gypsum or plaster of paris manufacture. <br /> (5) Distillation of bones. <br /> (6) Explosives, manufacture or storage. <br />(7) Fat rendering and refining. <br />(8) Fertilizer manufacture. <br />(9) Garbage, offal or dead animals reduction or doping. <br />(10) Gas manufacturing, including acetylene manufacture. <br />(11) Glue manufacture. <br />(12) Petroleum refining. <br />(13) Smelting of tin, copper, zinc or iron ores. <br />(14) Stock yards. <br />(15) Slaughter of animals. <br />(16) Tannery or the curing or storage of raw hides. <br /> <br />SECTION 9230.302. Operational Standards. <br /> <br /> (a) Any activity permitted in this District shall be conducted in such <br />manner as not to become obnoxious by reason of noise, light or vibration. <br /> (b) Any person building, erecting, altering or replacing any article, <br />machine, equipment or other contrivance, the use of which may cause the issuance <br />of air contaminate, shall, prior to the issuance of a building permit, present <br />the Planning Department with a written statement from the office of the Air <br />Polution Control Officer of the Air Polution Control District of Orange County <br />that said use shall meet with the regulations of said Air Polution Control <br />District. <br /> (c) Any open storage or work area abutting a public street or more <br />restrictive District shall be screened by a solid wall or fence to a height of not <br />less than six (6) feet nor more than eight (8) feet. Furthermore, the storage <br />of wrecked vehicles and salvage materials shall not be piled higher than the <br />height of the wall or fence around such storage or work area. <br /> <br />SECTION 9230.303. Building Height Limit. <br /> <br /> No structure shall exceed in height the width of the widest street upon <br />which the site abuts unless the structure is set in from all property lines <br />one (1) foot for each five (5) feet the structure rises above the street width. <br /> <br />SECTION 9230.304. Required Yards. <br /> <br />~one ,, <br /> <br />SECTION 9230.305. Off-Street Parking. <br /> <br /> Off-street parking shall be provided in the manner <br />by Part IV of this Chapter. <br /> <br />' prescribed <br /> <br />-27- <br /> <br /> <br />