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SECTION 9230.320. L~ (Limited ManufactUring District). <br /> <br />SECTION 9230.321. Purpose. <br /> <br /> The LI{ District may be established in areas when it is desirable to provide <br />for limited industrial uses of such design and type as will result in a well <br />planned and organized industrial area. <br /> <br />SECTION 9230.322. Uses Permitted. <br /> <br /> (o) <br /> (d) <br /> (e) <br /> (f) <br /> (g) <br /> (h) <br /> (i) <br />and pulp. <br /> (J) <br /> (k) <br /> (1) <br /> <br /> (a) A~m~nistrative and professional offices, accessory to uses permitted <br />in this District. <br /> Residences for watchmen or custodians employed on the site. <br /> Employee cafeterias, auditoriums and on-Job recreational facilities. <br /> Research and testing laboratories and institutions. <br /> Electrical and electronic products. <br /> Cartography, bookbinding, printing and lithograph~. <br /> Precision instrument manufacture. <br /> Fabrication of plastic products and objects of art. <br /> Editorial and designing in connection~rithmagazines, quality, slick <br /> <br /> Storage warehouses, excluding inflammable materials and truck terminals. <br /> Public utility electric distribution and transmission substations. <br /> The following uses subject to the issuance of an approved conditional <br />use permit as prescribed by Part V of this Chapter. <br /> <br />(1) Furniture Hanufacture including upholstering. <br />(2) Finished paper products manufacturers. <br />(3) Garment manufacture. <br />(4) Small craft building. <br />(5) Laundry and dry cleaning establishments. <br />(6) Toy and novelty manufacture. <br />(7) Medical and Dental offices and clinics. <br />(8) Restaurants. <br />(9) Any other use which in the opinion of the Planning Commission will <br /> prove compatible with the aforementioned permitted uses. <br /> <br />SECTION 9230.323. Operational Standards. <br /> <br /> (a) No billboards or advertising signs other than those identifying the <br />name, business and products of the person or firm occupying the premises shall be <br />permitted, except that a sign not to exceed two hundred (200) square feet in area <br />offering the premises for sale or lease may be permitted. <br /> (b) No materials or supplies shall be stored or permitted to remain on any <br />part of the property outside the buildings constructed thereon. Any finished <br />products stored on the property outside of said buildings shall be confined to the <br />rear one-half of the property, but shall in no instance be placed on that side of <br />a building paralleling an existing or proposed street. <br /> (c) All required front and side yards shall be attractively landscaped <br />and maintained excepting the required side yard to the rear of the front building <br />line may be used for off-street parking. <br /> (d) <br /> Any use of lights to enhance the architectural appearance of a <br />structure shall be non-flashing. <br /> (e) Ail production activities except the receiving of materials at a <br />reception dock and the shipping of materials from a shipping dock shall be <br />conducted within an enclosed building excepting, however, nothing herein is <br />intended to prohibit the installation of component parts, electric and electronic <br />devices and other goods manufactured or processed on the premises, into vans, <br />trucks, and vehicles, including space vehicles, where said installation is made <br />outside the main or accessory building. <br /> (f) Where any lot in this District abuts property in any residential District, <br />there shall be provided and maintained a solid wall not less than six (6) feet <br />in height along the property line where said lots abut. <br /> <br />-28- <br /> <br /> <br />