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PART IV GE~,~AL PROVISIONS <br /> <br />SECTION 9240. General Regulations. <br /> <br /> The preceeding regulations shall be subject to the provisions and exceptions <br />contained in this .Part. <br /> <br />SECTION 9241. Use. <br /> <br /> (a) Every main building or group of buildings shall be located and main- <br />tained on a "lot" as defined herein. <br /> (b) The follo~ring accessory uses, in addition to those hereinabove mentioned, <br />shall be permitted in any District, provided that such accessory uses do not alter <br />the character of the premises in respect to their use for the purpose permitted in <br />such respective District: <br /> (1) The operation of necessary facilities and equipment in connection <br /> with schools, colleges, universities, hospitals and other insti- <br /> tutions permitted in the respective Districts. <br /> (2) Recreation, refreshment and service buildings in parks, playgrounds <br /> and golf courses. <br /> (c) If any use is for any reason omitted from those specified as permissible <br />in any District, or if ambiguity arises concerning the approximate classification <br />of a particular use within the meaning and intent of this Ordinance, it shall be <br />the duty of the Planning Director to ascertain all pertinent facts concerning such <br />use and determine into which District such use shall be classified. The Planning <br />Department shall file with the City Clerk~the Director of Building and Safety and <br />the Zoning Administrator a copy of the facts which indicate into which District a <br />particular use should be classified. Such decision may be appealed to the Planning <br />Commission whose decision may be appealed to the City Council. <br /> <br />SECTION 9242. Height. <br /> <br /> (a) Towers including radio and T.V. antennas, gables, spires, scenery lofts, <br />cupolas, water tanks, silos, covering not more than ten (10) percent of the ground <br />area of the buildings at base thereof, artificial windbreaks, windmills and <br />similar structures and necessary mechanical appurtenances may be built and used to <br />a greater height than the ltm~t established for the District in which such <br />structures are located, provided, however, that no structure in excess of the <br />allowable building height shall be used for sleeping or eating quarters, or for <br />any co~nercial purpose other than that such as may be incidental to the permitted <br />use of the main building. <br /> (b) Where the average slope of a lot is greater than one (1) foot rise or <br />fall in seven (7) feet of distance from the established street elevation at the <br />property line, an additional story will be permitted on the downhill side of any <br />building. <br /> (c) No accessory structure shall exceed onc (1) story or twenty (20) feet. <br /> <br />SECTION 9243. Area. <br /> <br /> (a) Any lot shown upon an official subdivision map duly approved bythe <br />Council and recorded, or any lot for which a recorded contract of sale was in full <br />force and effect prior to June 3, 1954, and the deed is so recorded in the office <br />of the County Recorder, may he used as a legal building site subject to the <br />conditions and limitations and restrictions governing the District in which it is <br />located. <br /> (b) The following exceptions to yard requirements may be applied to any <br />District with respect to all buildings, structures and uses permitted in the Al, RE, <br />RI, R2, R3 and P Districts, subject to the following limitations and provisions: <br /> (1) Where a lot fronts on a cul-de-sac, the required front yard shall be <br /> not less than ten (10) feet~ <br /> (2) Where lots having front lot lines comprising forty (40) percent or <br /> more of the frontage in any block, excluding key lots, are developed <br /> with buildings, any new building or alteration to an existing <br /> building shall conform to the average front yard of said existing <br /> buildings. Buildings located entirely on the rear half of the lot <br /> shall not be counted in determining the average front yard depth of <br /> anv block. <br /> <br /> <br />