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SECTION 9243 (Contd.) <br /> <br /> (3) !~ere paragraph (2) above does not apply and a lot is situated be- <br /> tween two lots, each of which has a main building within twenty- <br /> five (25) feet of its side lot lines which projects into the re- <br /> quired front yard otherwise established by this Chapter for said <br /> property, and has been so maintained since this Chapter became <br /> effective, the front yarQ requirement on such lot may be the average <br /> depth of the front yards of said existing buildings, or: <br /> (4) ~ere a lot adjoins only one lot having a main building within <br /> twenty-five (25) feet of its side lot lineswhich projects into the <br /> required front yard otherwise established by this Chapter for said <br /> property, and has been so maintained since this Chapter became <br /> effective, the front yard requirement on such lot shall be not less <br /> than the average of the front yard of said existing building and the <br /> required front yard. This provision is also applicable to corner <br /> lots fronting on the same street as the interior lots in the same <br /> block. <br /> (c) In any commercial district, the front and side yards required for <br /> dwellings, apa~-bments, hotels and boarding houses, may be waived when such uses are <br /> erected above the ground floor of a buildingwhen said ground floor has no re- <br /> quired front and side yards. <br /> (d) In comp?ting the depth of a rear yard where such yard opens upon an <br /> alley, one-half (~) of the width of such alley may be considered a portion of the <br /> rear yard; when such rear yard opens upon a street, public park, creek or river <br /> front under ~ublic ownership, ten (lC) feet of such public space may be considered <br /> a portion of the rear yard. <br /> (e) The following provisions shall be applicable to through lots: <br /> (1) At each end of a through lot there shall be a front yard of a depth <br /> required by this Chapter for the District in which the respective <br /> street frontage is located; provided, however, that there may be <br /> an accessory building in one of such front yards in accordance with <br /> Paragraph (3) following. <br /> (2) ~%%ere a through lot has depth of one hundred and fifty (150) feet <br /> or more, said lot may be assumed to be two (2) lots with the rear <br /> line of each approximatek¥ equidistant from the front lot lines, <br /> provided, however, that each portion shall then be treated as a <br /> separate lot insofar as the provisions of this Chapter apply, and <br /> provided that such lots, were recorded and held under separate <br /> ownership prior to December 31, 1939. <br /> (3) ~'~ere a through lot has depth of less than one hundred and fifty <br /> (150) feet, an accessory building not exceeding one (1) story or <br /> fourteen (14) feet in height may be located in one of the required <br /> front yards if such building is at least five (5) feet from any <br /> side lot line and a distance of at least ten (lO) percent of the <br /> lot depth from the street line abutting the front yard in which <br /> such building is to be located, provided, however, that such <br /> accessory building shall not project beyond the front yard line <br /> established by procedures set forth in this Chapter, but such <br /> accessory building need not be located more than twenty (20) feet <br /> from the street line. <br /> (f) Cornices, canopies, eaves, patio covers, chimneys and any other <br />architectural feature may extend into any required yard a distance not to exceed <br />eighteen (18) inches in the Al, RE, R1 Districts and six (6) inches in the R2, R3, <br />R3H and P Districts. A landing place or uncovered porch may. extend into aT' <br />yard to a distance of six (6) feet across one-half (~) the wmdth or depth of the lot <br /> provided that such landing place <br />or porch shall have its floor no higher than the entrance floor of the building. <br />Stairs leading from the ground to said landing place or porch may project beyond <br />said six (6) feet. An open work railing no higher than three(3) feet may be <br />placed around said landing place or porch. Furthermore an~ cornice, canopy, eave, <br />patio cover, chimney or architecural feature may extend into any other required open <br />space provided for in this Chapter a distance not to exceed two (2) feet, provided <br />however nothing herein shall orohibit the full extension of an uncovered landing <br /> place or patio into said required open space. <br /> (g) Accessory buildings in the Al, RE, R1, R2, R3, R3H, and P Districts shall <br />be subject to the following: <br /> (1) An accessory building shall be not less than five (5) feet from a <br />main building. <br /> <br />-33- <br /> <br /> <br />