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P.'~RT V - CONDITION,~L U~E PERMITS <br /> Vf~RI~NCES - A!~ENDMENTS <br /> <br />SECTION 9250. Planning Comm~ission. Duties. <br /> <br /> (a) The Planning Commission is hereby authorized under conditions herein <br />provided to grant V~riances fr~m the p~ovisions of this Chapter and to grant <br />Conditional Use Permits for uses in any zone in which such uses may be condition- <br />ally permitted. <br /> (b) Further, the Planning Commission may delegate to the Zoning Adminis- <br />trator authority to act on any specific type of Variance or Conditional Use Permit. <br />Such delegation of authority shall be made by formal resolution and shall be <br />confirmed by action of the Council. The withdrawal of any authority so delegated <br />to the Zoning ~dministrator may be accomplished in the same manner as the authority <br />was originally delegated or by formal resolution of the Council. <br /> <br />SECTION 9250.1. Zoning administrator. Powers and Duties. <br /> <br /> The Zoning Administrator shall act on any Variance from the provisions of this <br />Chapter and any Conditional Use Permit within the limitations imposed on the <br />PlanninE Commission by this Chapter when the authority to so act has been dele- <br />gated as prescribed in this Part. <br /> <br />SECTISN 9250.2. Conditional Usc P~rmit and V~ri~uce Application. <br /> ~o May File. <br /> <br /> Application for a Variance or Conditional Use Permit may be made by the owner <br />or agent of the owner of property affected, or it mny be initiated by the Planning <br />Department, Planning Commission, or Council. Said application shall be signed by <br />the record owner or may be signed by the agent for the owner if notarized <br />certificate of Power of ~ttorney is filed with the application. <br /> <br />SECTION 9250.3. Form and Content. <br /> <br /> Application for Variance or Conditional Use Permit shall be in writing and <br />filed in the office of the City Planning Department upon forms provided by the <br />Department, and shall fully state the special circumstances and conditions relied <br />upon as grounds for application. Each application shall be signed by the record <br />owner or agent for the owner if notarized certificate of Power of Attorney is filed <br />with the application. Said application shall be accompanied by adequate plans, <br />legal description of the property involved, an outline of the proposed use, and <br />the name and address of all the property owners within three hundred (300) feet of <br />the exterior boundaries of the property involved as shown on the latest adopted <br />tax rolls. The Planning Director may, at his discretion, require the name and <br />address of property owners within a greater distance of the exterior boundaries of <br />said property. <br /> <br />SECTION 9250.4. Filing Fees. <br /> <br /> Prior to the filing of any application hereafter mentioned, the applicant <br />shall pay the following fee: <br /> (a) For Variance, the sum of thirty-fi~e (35) dollars. <br /> (b) For any Conditional Use Permit, the sum of thirty-five (35) dollars. <br /> (c) For appeal to the Council, the sum of fifteen (15) dollars. <br /> (d) All Eovernmental agencies are exempt from the above fees. <br /> <br />SECTION 9250.5. Hearing. Hearing D~te. <br /> <br /> Upon the filing of an application for a Variance or Conditional Use Permit <br />the D~rector of Planning shall set said application for public hearing at a <br />regular or an adjourned meeting which is to be held not less than seven (7) days <br />or more than forty-five (45) days after th~ filing date. <br /> <br />SECTION 9250.6. Notice of Hearing. <br /> <br /> The Director of Planning shall ?lye or cause to be given notice of the time <br />and purpose of such hearing by mailing notices at least five (5) days prior to the <br />date of such hearing to the owners of all property v~thin the area hereinbefore <br />designated in this Part. <br /> <br /> <br />