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SECTION 9250.7. Hearing Date. Continuanccs. <br /> <br /> Upon the date set for a hearing the Council, llanning Commission, or Zoning <br />Administrator may on that date continue ~%e matter. If ~ date for the continued <br /> <br />b~ given, <br /> <br />. ~C%ION 9250.~. Decision by Council, Planning Commission, and Zoning Administrator <br /> on Vurianccs and Conditional Use Permits nnd ~pponls. <br /> <br /> (a) The Council, Planning Commiss!on ~nd Zoning ~,dministrator may grant <br />~ccord';ng to the ~roc~dtu~e outlined in this Ch'~ptcr: <br /> (1) Conditional Us~ P~rmits. for specific users locat~d at a particular <br /> locution when it shall b~ deemed: <br /> To bo necessary or dcsirublc to provide a s~rvice or facility <br /> which will contribute to the general well-being of t~e <br /> neighborhood or the community; and <br /> (b) '~mt such use will not, under the circumstances of the ~arti- <br /> cul:r case, be detrimental to the health, safety or general <br /> ';~elfar~ of persons residing or ~orking in the vicinity, or in- <br /> jurious to property or improvemen~;s in th~ vicinity; and <br /> (c) Ttmt thc proposed use will comply v~th the regulations and con- <br /> di!ions sp~cifi~d in this Chapter for such use; and <br /> (d) 'Ihat th~ gr~nting of this Conditional Usc ~dll not adversely <br /> ~lff~ct tho General Plan of the City. <br /> <br />(2) Vari'~nc~s from the Zoning trovisions of the ~';unicipsl code when it <br /> apm~ars that ~11 of the following h:~ve been established <br /> <br /> (a] Th!~t thcr~ ~r~: exca,~tion'~l circumstances or <br /> conditions applicable to the property in question or to the <br /> intended usa that do ~ot apply gcn~ra]ly to the other prope~y <br /> or cluss of usa~ in tb~ same vicinity nnd zone. <br /> (b) Th"~t such ~f~riancc is n~c~ssary for the prcserv'~tion and enjoy- <br /> ment of a substantYnl property ri~ght possessed by other prop- <br /> ertM ~n the s~mc vicinity and zon~, but ~'~hich is denied to the <br /> property in question. <br /> (c) Theft tho granting of such V~ri~ncc will not be m':terially <br /> d~trim~ntal to thc public welfare or injurious to the property <br /> or im~,rove~ents in such vicinity and zone in which the property <br /> is located. <br /> (d) ~I]~t the granting of such V'~rianc~ will not adversely affect <br /> thc Gcn~ra! Pl:~n of the Clt) of Santa <br /> (b) In granting '~ny V:~riance or Conditional Use P~rmit the Zoning ,,dminis- <br /> tracer, Planning Commission or Council m'~y impose such conditions as are d~emed <br /> necessary and desirable to protect the public htalth, safety or welfare in <br /> ~aordance with thc pur[~esa and intent of this Article. ,~,-~ <br /> ,..~N 9 50.9. Planning Co~ission to ~ke Finding of Fact. <br />~),?~ 'In' granting or denying a Variance or Conditional:Use ~e~%, <br />'~"'~ Planning C6~ls~ion shall ~ke a written finding whych 'Shall Specify <br /> all facts relY%-~:~m by said Co~i~sl0~ in renderln~ his de6islon <br /> and in attaching:f~ditlons and safeguards, and shall fully seg ~forth <br /> wherein the facts'and clrc~stances fulfill or fail to fulfil <br /> re.&repents of this Chapter. A copy ~ ~m ~eci~ion of <br /> Co~ss%on, together with the wrltten",~K~f~'~ fact, s~l~:~:be filed <br /> wi~ ~e Clerk of the Council, wi~ the"Ci~,~ing De~mnt, and <br /> ma%%ed to the applicant. All decisions of the Planning C~tssion <br /> be reviewed by the City Co~cll, as set forth in Sec~on <br /> <br /> ' . ~.. Referral to Planning Co~ssion FOr <br /> <br /> ~en au~ority to so act has been au~orimed i.n the manner <br /> ' ~n. Sect~n 9250, paragraph (b) of this Part, the ~in~ A~inistra~o~ <br /> . sh~ll ~ke a written finding which sba'il4 s~e~ify a11 ,~cts; relied <br /> ~ ',~n in rendering his decision an~ In attach~~Z~Ons ~nd saf~i <br /> / guards and shall fully set forth wherein t~~/~ cirC~stances <br /> · fulfill or fail to~ fulfill the re~ir~mefl't~'f ~['~ Cha~er. A copy <br /> of ~e decision:tOgether w~th the ~itten fin~ing of fact shall be <br /> filed with the Clerk of the Co~cil, w&~ the C~ty Planning ~part- <br /> ment, and mailed to the applicant. All decisions of ~e ~ning A~n- <br /> istra~or shall be reviewed by ~e Planning Co~lssion. <br /> <br /> <br />