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SECTION 9250.1~. Continued <br /> <br /> (b) Any appeal made under ~he terms of this P~rt shall be made within five <br /> (5) calendar days following the date of the decision of the Planning Commission or <br /> Zoning ,'~dministrator. <br /> (c) All appeals shall be in writing and on forms provided by the Planning <br /> Department and shall specify wherein there was any error of decision or requirement <br /> by the Commission c~ Zoning ,~d~inistrator. Furthermore, a copy of said appeal <br /> shall be filed with the Planning Department and theClerk of the Council. <br /> (d) Upon receipt of said appeal the Planning Department shall set the matter <br />for hearing by the Council. In the event the matter is an ~ppeal from a ruling <br />by the Zoning ~dministrator, the matter shall be heard by the Council following the <br />review of said Zoning ~,dministrator's decision by the Planning Commission as <br />set for~h in Section 9250.12 of this Part. <br /> (e) All appeals shall be heard in the same manner as prescribed for the <br />original hearing. <br /> (f) Upon the filing of an appeal, the Planning Department shall forward to <br />the Clerk of the Council a copy of the written findings, maps, papers, and exhibits <br />upon which the decision of the Planning Commission and/or Zoning ~dministrator was <br />based. <br /> (g) The Council may, after public hearing, affirm, reverse, change, or modify <br />the original decision and make any additional determination it shall consider <br />appropriate within the limitations imposed by this Chapter. Such decision shall <br />be filed with the Clerk of the Council, City Planning Department, and sent to the <br />applicant. <br /> <br />SECTION 9250.15. Council to ~ke Finding of Fact. <br /> <br /> In granting or denying an appeal, the Council shall make a written finding <br />which shall specify all facts relied upon by said Council in rendering its decision <br />and in attachinE conditions and safe.~uards, and shall fully set forth wherein the <br />facts and circumstances fulfill or fail to fulfill the requirements set forth in <br />this Chapter. A copy of the resolution toEether v~th the written finding of facts <br />shall be filed with the Olerk of the Council, in the City Planning Department, and <br />mailed to the applicant. The decision of the Council shall be final. <br /> <br />SECTION 9251. F~ilure to Utilize Conditional Use P~rmits or V~riances. <br /> <br /> ~ Conditional Use Permit or Variance approved by the Council in accordance <br />wi~h the procedures and considerations as provided in this Part, shall automatically <br />become void after six (6) months from the effective date of such approval when the <br />oWner fails to institute an action to erect, build, alter, move or maintain the <br />use of the property as specified in the terms ~nd conditions of the Conditior~l Use <br />Permit or V~riance; however, the granting body, at the time of the ~pproval of the <br />Conditional Use Permit or Variance may provide that the Conditional Use Permit or <br />Variance shall be valid for a~period ~roater th~n six (6) months, ~ut for ~ period <br />not to exceed one (1) year from the date of its approval. <br /> <br /> Acceptable action shall be considered to be actual construction, alteration, <br />repairs and use of structures and land. Preparation of plans, financial <br />negotiations, estate settlements, or change of property owners, are not considered <br />sufficient evidence of an action. However, applicant may apply to the Council <br />granting such Conditional Use Permit or Variance for a ninety (90) day estension of <br />time, et an additional fee of five (5) dollars for each subsequent request for <br />extension of time. Said request for extension of time must be filed before the <br />expiration date of said Conditional Use Permit or Variance, but shall not be filed <br />more th~n twenty-one days before s~id expiration date. <br /> <br />SECTION 9252. Status of Approved Conditional Use Permits er V~rianccs. <br /> <br /> Any Variance granted prior to July 18, 1957, upon which an acceptable action <br />has not been instituted as defined in Section 9251, shall, on the effective date of <br />this Chapter, become null and void. <br /> <br /> Any approved Conditional Use Permit or Variance which has been exercised in <br />the manner set forth in the terms of approval and has thereafter ceased to exist <br />or has been suspended for at least one year, shall be declared void and any <br />f~rther use of the premise~building or structure shall conform to the requirements <br />for the District in which located. <br /> <br />-43- <br /> <br /> <br />