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SECTION 9253. Modification of Lpproved Variances or Conditional Use Permits. <br /> <br /> Ar~ modification of an approved Variance or Conditional Use Permit shall <br />necessitate the refiling of a new application which shall be processed as required <br />in the aforementioned Sections of this Part. <br /> <br />SECTION 9254. Conditional Use Regulations. <br /> <br /> Any conditionally permitted use shall be subject to the yard, height, area, <br />off-street parking, loading, sign ~nd operational standards set forth for the <br />District in which said use is proposed to be located. However, the Zoning <br />~dministrator, Planning Commission or Council may impose any other conditions <br />considered necessary to insure the safe and reasonable development of the area in <br />order to protect the health, welfare and safety of the surrounding property owners. <br />Further, the Zoning ~dministrator, Plurming Commission or Council may modify the <br />regulations set forth for the District in which located when it is considered that <br />the strict enforcement of said regulations will cause undue hardship to the <br />applicant. <br /> <br />SECTION 9255. f~endmentm and Changes of District Boundaries. <br /> <br /> ~enever the public necessity, convenience and general welfare justifies such <br />action, the Planning Commission or Council upon their own motion may, Gr upon the <br />verified application of a~y interested p~rsons shall, initiate proceedings to amend, <br />supplement or change the Districts designated on the affected Sectional District <br />Map established by this Chapter. <br /> <br />SECTION 9255.1. Filing of ~lication. <br /> <br /> Application for change of District shall be made in writing to the Planning <br />Commission in such form as is approved by the Planning Con~ission. The Planning <br />Commission shall provide forms for such purposes and may ~escribe the type of <br />information to be provided thereon. No petition shall be received unless it complies <br />with such requirements. <br /> <br /> Application filed pursuant to this Chapter shall be numbered consecutively in <br />the order of their filing and shall become a p~rt of the permanent official records <br />of the Planning Commission, and there shall be attached thereto copies of all <br />notices and actions pertaining thereto. <br /> <br />SECTION 9255.2. Filing Fee. <br /> <br /> Before accepting any ~mendment ~pplication, the City shall charge and collect <br />a fee of seventy-five (75) dollars for the purpose of defraying the expenditures <br />incidental to the proceedings involved in such roclassification. <br /> <br />SECTION 9255.3. Investigation. <br /> <br /> The Planning Commission shall cause to be made by its own members, or members <br />of its staff, such investigation of facts bearing upon such application as will <br />serve to provide aL1 necessary information to assure that the ~ction on each such <br />application is consistent with the intent and purpose of this Chapter, with previous <br />Amendments and in substantial conformance with the C~neral Plan. <br /> <br />SECTION 9255.4. Notices <br /> <br /> Following the receipt in proper forms of any such application, the Director <br />of Planning shall fix a time and place of public ha ring thereon. The date of <br />such public hearing and location of the property and n~ture of the request shall <br />be given in the following manner: <br /> <br /> (a) By publishing at least once and not less than ten (lO) days before the <br />date of the hearing in a newspaper of general circulation. <br /> (b) The Planning Commission m~y further require posting, not less than five <br />(5) days prior to said he,ring, placards on such property and for a distance of not <br />less than three hundred (300) feet in g~ch direction from the exterior limits of such <br />proper~y. <br /> <br /> <br />