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SECTION 9210.54. Nonconforming Use. <br /> <br /> Any use, whether of a building, other structure, lot or tract of land, <br />which does not conform to the use regulations of this Chapter for the District in <br />which such "nonconforming use" is located, either at the effective date of this <br />Chapter or as a result of a subsequent amendment which may be incorporated into <br />this Chapter. <br /> <br />SECTION 9210.55. Nonconforming Building. <br /> <br /> A building or structure or portion thereof that does not conform to the <br />height and area regulations of the zone in which it is located either at the <br />effective date of this Chapter or as a result of a subsequent amendment which <br />may be incorporated into this Chapter. <br /> <br />SECTION 9210.56. Nursery, Day. <br /> <br /> A place where five (5) or more children are left for care part of the <br />t~en~y-foux. (24) hours of the day. <br /> <br />SECTION 9210.57. Nursery, School. <br /> <br /> A public or private agency engaged in educa~i hal activity r~ith preschool chil- <br />dren ~-,~ho' are not necessarily in need of supplemental parental care. <br /> <br />SECTION 9210.58. Parking Area, Public. <br /> <br /> An open area other than a street or alley used for the perking of automo- <br />biles and available for public use whether free, for compensation, or as an <br />accommodation for clients or customers. <br /> <br />SECTION 9210.59. Parking Space. <br /> <br /> Space within a public or private parking area or a building, exclusive of <br />driveways, ramps, columns, office and work area, for the temporary parking or <br />storage of one automobile. <br /> <br />SECTION 9210.60. Property Owner. <br /> <br /> The person owning the fee title, or the person in whose name the legal title <br />to the property appears, by deed, duly recorded in the office of the County Re- <br />corder of Orange County or the person in possession of the property under claim <br />of, or exercising acts of ownership over the same property for himself as ex- <br />ecutor, administrator, or guardian of the property. <br /> <br />SECTION 9210.61. Residence (See Dwelling). <br /> <br />SECTION 9210.62. Rest Home (See Convalescent Home). <br /> <br />SECTION 9210.63. Rooming House (See Hoarding House). <br /> <br />SECTION 9210.64. Sanitarium (See Hospital). <br /> <br />SECTION 9210.65. Service Station. <br /> <br /> A filling station which supplies motor fuel and oil to motor vehicles in- <br />cluding grease racks or elevators and providing minor tire and battery servicing <br />and sale of motor vehicle accessories. <br /> <br />SECTION 9210.66. Setback Line -- Future Right-of-Wa$. Line. <br /> <br /> The line between which line and a street line no structure shall project, <br />be erected, or placed. <br /> <br />-7- <br /> <br /> <br />