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SECTION 3261.3. Same. Emerqenc¥ Parkinq Siqns. <br /> <br /> Whenever the Director of Public Works or the Chief of <br />Police shall determine that, in a special situation, traffic <br />congestion is likely to result on any street or alley from <br />holding public or private assemblages, gatherings or functions, <br />street construction, maintenance or repair work, or for any <br />other reason, they shall have the power and authority to order <br />temporary signs to be erected or posted indicating that the <br />operation, parking or standing of vehicles is prohibited on <br />such streets and alleys. Such signs shall remain in place <br />only during the existence of such special situation, and the <br />Director of Public Works or the Chief of Police shall cause <br />such signs to be moved promptly thereafter. When signs <br />authorized by provisions of this Part are in place, giving <br />notice of the provisions thereof, no person shall stop, stand <br />or park any vehicle contrary to the directions and provisions <br />of such signs. <br /> <br /> The Chief of Police is authorized to remove such vehicle <br />from the roadway when such vehicle is parked in violation of <br />this Section. <br /> <br />SECTION 3261.4. Same. Alleys and Parkways. <br /> <br /> (a) No person shall park any vehicle in any alley in the <br />City of Santa Aha except while actively engaged in loading or <br />unloading passengers, freight or merchandise. <br /> <br /> (b) No person shall stop, stand or park a vehicle within <br />any parkway. <br /> <br />SECTION 3261.5. Same. Parking at Certain Places and for <br /> Certain Purposes Prohibited. <br /> <br /> (a) No person shall park a vehicle upon any roadway for <br />the principal purpose of displaying such vehicle "for sale". <br />No person shall park, stop or leave standing any vehicle for <br />a period of time longer than twelve hours on any public street <br />or highway in the City unless such vehicle is in a condition <br />to be lawfully operated upon the public highways; and no <br />person shall repair, dismantle, overhaul or do any mechanical <br />work upon any vehicle on any part of any public street or <br />highway in the City except to change rims, to replace flat <br />tires or to make other emergency repairs to enable such vehicle <br />to be moved to the proper place for mechanicalwork. <br /> <br /> (b) No person who owns or has custody or control of any <br />vehicle shall park or store such vehicle upon any street or <br />alley for more than a consecutive period of 120 hours. <br /> <br /> The Chief of Police is authorized to remove any <br />vehicle from the roadway if such vehicle is parked or stored <br />in violation of this Subsection (b). <br /> <br /> (c) Food Vending Vehicle. No person shall park, stop or <br />stand any wagon, cart or vehicle upon any part of any street <br />of the City and leave the same stopped, parked or standing in <br />any one location for a period of time longer than five (5) <br />minutes for the purpose of selling or delivering any food or <br />drink from such wagon, cart or vehicle, and no operator or <br />person shall make a second stop after moving from the last <br />place of parking, stopping or standing within a distance of <br />fifty (50) feet of the last place of parking, stopping or standing. <br /> <br />-10- <br /> <br /> <br />