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(c) <br /> <br />White curb marking shall mean "No stopping, standing or <br />parking' at any time of any day for any purpose other than <br />loading or unloading of passengers and shall not exceed <br />three (3) minutes. <br /> <br />(d) <br /> <br />C~een curb marking shall mean 'No stopping, standing or <br />parking' for a period of time longer than twelve (12) or <br />twenty-four (24) minutes, as designated by signs at any <br />time between 7000 A.U. and 6tO0 P.U. of any day except <br />holidays. <br /> <br />SECTION 3~61 - Application of Parking Regulations. <br /> <br /> The provisions of this part imposing regulations on stopping <br />or parking shall not relieve any person from the duty of other or more <br />restrictive provisions of the Vehicle Code, or the Ordinances of this <br />City regulating the standing or parking of vehicles at specified places <br />or at specified times. <br /> <br />SECTION 3261.1 - Same. No Parking Zones. <br /> <br /> The Council may, by resolution, prohibit stopping, standing or <br />parking on any street within the City, or may prohibit stopping, standing <br />or parking during certain hours of the day on any street within the City. <br />When signs authorized by provisions of this part are in place, giving <br />notice of the provisions thereof, no person shall stop, stand or park <br />any vehicle contrary to the directions and provisions of such signs. <br />The Chief of Police is authorized to remove such vehicle from <br />the roadway when such vehicle is parked in violation of this Section. <br /> <br />SECTION 3261.2 - Same. Parking on Narrow Streets and at Special Places. <br /> <br /> The Director of Public Works is authorized to place signs and <br />markings indicating 'No Parking' upon any two-way roadway when the width <br />of the roadway does not exceed 20 feet, or upon one side of a two-way <br />roadway, when the width of the roadway does not exceed 30 feet. When <br />signs authorized hy provisions of this part are in place, giving notice <br />of the provisions thereof, no person shall stop, stand or park any <br />vehicle contrary to the directions and provisions of such signs. <br />The Chief of Police is autherized to remove such vehicle from <br />the roadway when such vehicle is parked in violation of this Section. <br /> <br /> The Director of Public Works may appropriately sign or mark <br />the following places and, when so signed or marked, no person shall <br />stop, stand or park a vehicle in any of the said placest <br /> (a) At any place within 20 feet of a point on the curb <br /> immediately opposite a midhlock end of a safety zone. <br /> (b) At any place within 20 feet of any crosswalk. <br /> (c) Within 20 feet of the approach ~ any traffic signal, <br /> boulevard stop sign, or official electric flashing device. <br /> (d) At any place where traffic and engineering studies have <br /> been made and the Director of Public Works determines <br /> What it is necessary in order to eliminate dangerous <br /> traffic hazards or to provide for the orderly movement <br /> of traffic. <br /> <br />-9- <br /> <br /> <br />