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SECTION 3266. Continuinq Violations, Additional Offenses. <br /> <br /> Every person violating the provisions of Sections 3265, <br />3265.1, and 3268.2 is guilty of a separate and further <br />violation for each period of time that the vehicle is left so <br />parked, equal to the maximum legal parking time for the <br />particular time zone or parking space as designated in said <br />Sections, or by ordinance adopted setting the maximum legal <br />time. <br /> <br />SECTION 3267. Cu.~b Parkinq Riqht-of-Way. <br /> <br /> For the purpose of this Section a curb parking space <br />shall be an area open for lawful parking alongside or <br />adjacent to a curb, which area is not of sufficient length <br />to permit two or more vehicles to freely move for parking <br />therein at the same time. Any person seeking to park his <br />vehicle in a curb parking space, whose vehicle arrives at <br />said parking space prior to any vehicle other than his, and <br />who proceeds beyond said space a distance not to exceed ten <br />feet, measured at the rear bumper, for the purpose of backing <br />his vehicle therein, shall have the right of way over any <br />person driving, or attempting to drive, any other vehicle <br />directly into such curb parking space, or who, in any manner, <br />obstructs such curb parking space; and driver of such other <br />vehicle shall yield the right of way to the driver first <br />arrived at said parking space. <br /> <br />SECTION 3268. Ail Niqht Parkinq Prohibited on Certain Streets. <br /> <br /> No person shall park and leave standing any vehicle for a <br />period of time longer than thirty (30) minutes between the <br />hours of 2:00 A.M. and 6:00 A.M. of any day upon any portion <br />of Main Street, Broadway, First Street, Seventeenth Street, <br />Flower Street, Edinger Avenue, Warner Ave~ue...Bristol Street, <br />Bighth Street or Fourth Street, or upon any portion of any <br />public highway in the City where parking meters have been <br />installed along the curb, or at any place upon any such highway <br />between any two parking meters along the curb. <br /> <br />SECTION 3268.1. Same. Commercial Vehicles and Trailer <br /> Parkinq Prohibited. <br /> <br /> No person shall park and leave standing, any truck, <br />tractor, trailer, bus or any other commercial vehicle, or any <br />vehicle with a manufacturer's rated capacity greater than <br />three quarter (3/4) ton, or any item of farm machinery or <br />special purpose machine, or any house trailer, for a period <br />of time longer than two (2) hours of any day upon any public <br />street or highway in the City, except while loading or <br />unloading property, or when such vehicle is parked in <br />connection with, and in aid of, the performance of a service <br />to or on a property in the block in which such vehicle is <br />parked. <br /> <br />SECTION 3268J2. Same. Parkinq on City Property. <br /> <br /> Whenever the Director of Public Works shall determine <br />that parking or standing of vehicles on City property be <br />prohibited, limited or restricted, the Director of Public <br />Works shall have the power and authority to order signs to be <br />erected or posted indicating that the parking of vehicles is <br />thus prohibited, limited or restricted. When signs authorized <br /> <br />-13- <br /> <br /> <br />