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by the provisions of this Section are in place, giving <br />notice thereof, no person shall park or stand a vehicle <br />contrary to the directions of such signs, and any vehicle <br />parked in violation of such signs shall be towed to a <br />public storage garage. <br /> <br />SECTION 3269. Unauthorized Paintinq of Curbs. <br /> <br /> No person, unless authorized by this City, shall paint <br />any street or curb surfaces; provided, however, that this <br />Section shall not apply to the painting of numbers on a <br />curb surface by any person who has complied with the provisions <br />of any resolution or ordinance of this City pertaining thereto. <br /> <br />Part 7 - Truck Routes - One-Way Streets. <br /> <br />SECTION 3270. Truck Routes. <br /> <br /> The City Council hereby designates certain streets or <br />portions thereof as streets, the use of which is permitted by <br />any vehicle exceeding a maximum gross weight of three (3) <br />tons; these streets shall be known as truck routes, and are <br />described as follows: <br /> <br />(a) Seventeenth Street (Westminster), all portions <br /> within the City. <br />(b) Fourth Street, all portions within the City from <br /> Grand Avenue, Easterly. <br />(c) First Street (Bolsa), all portions within the City. <br />(d) Walnut Street, between First Street on the West to <br /> Evergreen Street on the East. <br />(e) Edinger Avenue, all portions in the City. <br />(f) Warner Avenue, all portions in the City. <br />(g) Talbert Avenue, all portions in the City. <br />(h) Dyer Road, all portions in the City. <br />(l) Bristol Street, all portions in the City. <br />(j) Main Street, all portions in the City. <br />(k) Standard Avenue, between Warner Avenue and First Street. <br />(1) Grand Avenue, all portions in the City. <br />(m) Harbor Boulevard, all portions in the City. <br />(n) Euclid Street, all portions in the City. <br />(o) Fairview Street, all portions in the City. <br />(p) Tustin Avenue, all portions in the City.' <br />(q) Memory Lane, all portions in the City from Bristol, <br /> Westerly. <br /> <br /> The Director of Public Works is authorized to designate <br />the above street or streets by appropriate signs as "Truck <br />Routes" for the movement of vehicles exceeding a maximum gross <br />weight limit of three (3) tons, where, in his opinion, such <br />designation is required. <br /> <br />SECTION 3271. Commercial Vehicles Prohibited from Using <br /> Certain Streets. <br /> <br /> The City Council hereby designates all streets in the <br />City, except those enumerated in Section 3270, as streets on <br />which any commercial vehicle of gross weight over three (3) <br />tons is prohibited. Nothing in this Section shall prohibit <br />the operator of any vehicle exceeding the maximum gross weight <br />of three (3) tons coming from a truck route having ingress and <br />egress by direct route to and from restricted streets, when <br /> <br />-14- <br /> <br /> <br />