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1953 - 1999 (NS-001-NS-2415)
1984 (NS-1710 - NS-1755)
Entry Properties
Last modified
2/5/2013 11:16:15 AM
Creation date
6/26/2003 10:08:07 AM
City Clerk
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2018-079 - Levy an Assessment for the Downtown Santa Ana Business Improvement
(Amended By)
\Resolutions\CITY COUNCIL\2011 -\2018
2019-100 - Levy an Assessment Downtown Santa Ana 2020
(Amended By)
\Resolutions\CITY COUNCIL\2011 -\2019
NS-2313 - Levying an Assessment for the Downtown Santa Ana Business Improvement Area for Year 1997
(Amended By)
\Ordinances\1953 - 1999 (NS-001-NS-2415)\1997 (NS-2311 - NS-2341)
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,- <br />€~:::=SIT rF.,. <br />•LiCzt i'ESCF,~F~?~'.: - ~~~r~:~vi'~:: ~ ~cs~~~cc ~}'r~~.-r~.~Ci:n ~ L~: <br /> portion, of the City of Se-:ta Ano, County of Crar1E, <br />state of California, bounoed and described as follows: <br />Beginning at the centerline i~tErsection of Parton Street, <br />64 feet wide, and 5c1ta P.ra b_Yul_evard;~108 feet -aide; thence <br />r',ortk,~2sterly and__eGsterly! alcnaj ea~d centerline of Santa Rne <br />pouacvar tc tl;e cEr,terlir.e of Erc~zc~_ay, 82 feet wide; thencE <br />northerly along cola -cen~erl~inE~~of Eroad~:sy 672 •feet, r.:ore or <br />less. to tY,e intersection of the prolongation of tt;e north lisE <br />of Blocks C, D, and E of Spurgeon`s Addition to Santa Ana as <br />per map recorded in Saok 1, page 5b of N,iscellaneous Naps, <br />records of said County; thence easterly along said prolongation <br />and said north line of Blocky •C- D,~a~rid E to the centerline of <br />M2i_n Street, 9D feet wide;.thence southerly along said center- <br />line of Nain Street to the cen~terl~ine of Eighth Street, 60 feet <br />wide; therce_easter3.y along said centerline of Eighth Street to <br />the ceptErline.of_Bush, 50 feet wide; thence southerly along <br />said centerline of Bush to the centerline of Santa-Ana Boule- <br />vard, fi0 feet wide; thence_ easterl~-~along last said centerlinE <br />~ of Santa Ana Boulevard to~the centerline of Spurgeon Street, 60' <br />feet wide; thence southerly along said centerline of Spurgeon <br />Street 155 feet; tfience easterly 30 feet-to the northwest corner <br />of Lot^1 in Block 2 of the~Fru~'t Addition to Santa Ana as per <br />map recorded ir. £ook ~, paoe 91 ~f ~;iscellanEO~ts f,aps, records <br />of Las Angeles County, California; thence easterly along the <br />north line of last said Lit 1 and the easterly prolongation <br />thereof 9l0 fEet to the northeast corner of Lot 2 •ir~ flock 3 of <br />said Fruit A~~ition; thence sou~herly~along the east line of <br />last said Lot 2 and the sau~~rl~~ prolongation thereof to the <br />centerline of Fifti; Street, 60 feet wide; thence easterly along <br />saic3~`cen~erl_ine of~Fifth•Street to the__centet_1-i~e'-of•~Mcirtimer <br />Street, 60 feet aide; tY,ence southerly along said ce^terline of <br />Mortimer Street to the centerline_ of fourth Street, 80 feet <br />wide; thence westerly along said centerline o€ fourth Street to <br />the prolongation of the east line of Block ~4 of Blee's Addition <br />as shown on a m,ap recorded in Book 4, page 545 of Miscellaneous <br />Maps, records of I,os Angeles County, California; thence southerly <br />along last said east line and the prolongations thereof to the <br />Bortheast corner of Lot 6 in Block 5 of said Blee's Addition, <br />being also a point an the &outh line of Tl:ird Street, 60 feet <br />lode; thence easterly along last said south line lA feet; thence <br />_. _-___~outherly_alflng a Iine-parallel and distant 1~4 fee$ easterly; <br />measured at right arsg7es~=om t'he east -~ine•~f`3ast~-sai~-~ot-~ <br />to a point on the easterly prolongation of the so~sth line of <br />'said Lot 6; thence westerly 14 feet to the northeast corner of <br />T -- ~ Lot 5 in Hlock 5 of said Biee's Addition; thence southerly <br />along the east line of said Lot S in Block 5 and the southerly <br />prolongation thereof to the northeast corner of Block 6 of said <br />
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