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1953 - 1999 (NS-001-NS-2415)
1984 (NS-1710 - NS-1755)
Entry Properties
Last modified
2/5/2013 11:16:15 AM
Creation date
6/26/2003 10:08:07 AM
City Clerk
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2018-079 - Levy an Assessment for the Downtown Santa Ana Business Improvement
(Amended By)
\Resolutions\CITY COUNCIL\2011 -\2018
2019-100 - Levy an Assessment Downtown Santa Ana 2020
(Amended By)
\Resolutions\CITY COUNCIL\2011 -\2019
NS-2313 - Levying an Assessment for the Downtown Santa Ana Business Improvement Area for Year 1997
(Amended By)
\Ordinances\1953 - 1999 (NS-001-NS-2415)\1997 (NS-2311 - NS-2341)
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<br />FIeE's ~:.02t1p1':; t.`,Ence sG,;therl}` alono t ie Ea$t line D# <br />said Block 6 and t}.e so„t~,erly prolongation therECf to the <br />cer-terli:ie of First ~treEt, 100 feet wide; tt:ence ~:etterly <br />along said centerline of First Street to the northerly prolon- <br />gation a# the east line of Lots 1 avid 2 of S1Ee's Subdivision, <br />aG s"own on a map recorded in Book 1, pane fi7 of 1;iscellaneous <br />Maps, records of staid Orange County; thence southerly alono <br />last said prolongation to the southeast corner of last said Lot <br />2; ther:ce -:ESterly alano t~'~e south line of last said Lot 2 ana <br />the westerly prolongation thereof to the northwest corner of <br />Let 10 in Block B of Blee's Second F+ddition at shown on a near <br />recorded in Book 3R, page 7S of Mi=cellaneous N.apC of Los fi~celes <br />County, California; thence southerly along the west line of <br />last said Lot 10 to the southwest corner thereof; thence westerly <br />along a line parallel and distant 150 southerly frog the south <br />line of First Street, 100 feet wide, to the centerline of -!ain <br />Street, 75 feet wide, thence northerly alono said centerline of <br />Main~~treet 25 feet; thence westerly along a linE parallel and <br />distant 125 feet southerly from-said south line of First Street <br />to the centerline of Broadway, 82 feet ride; thence northerly <br />along saidd cenfera.ine"of'~ Broadway 25 feet; thence ~westexly <br />~` along a line parallel and distant 100 feet southerly from said <br />south line of First Street-to the northwest corner of Lot 3 in <br />Block 4 of Beninger's Tesubdivision as shown an a ~;ap filed in <br />Book 5, page 49 of l;iscellaneous Maps, records of said Orange <br />County; ~~ ~ -southerly along the west line of said Lot 3 to <br />the southwest corner of said Lot 3; thence westerly along a <br />lxrie parallel and distant I50 feet southerly from: said so~;th <br />line of First Street to the centerline of Parton Street, 50 <br />feet wide; thence northerly along said centerline of Parton to <br />the centerline of Fi_rst__ Street, 100 feet wide; thence westerly <br />to the intersec~ionYof tf~e~southerly prolongation of the west <br />line of Lot l in Tract No. 10680 as shown on a map recorded~in <br />_ &vak 4f•7, pages 33 anc s4 of Kisceilaneous-K_p~, records of <br />said Drange County; thence northerly along last said west line <br />and the prolongations thereof to the centerline a# Third &treet, <br />50 feet ride; thence easterly along said centerline of Third <br />Street to the centerline of Parton Street, thence northerly <br />along said centerline of Parton Street to the POINT OF $£GIh'?~ING, <br />
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