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ORDINANCE NO. NS-1727 <br />PAGE SIXTEEN <br /> <br />stands are occupied. Exit doors shall be openable from the in- <br />side without the use of a key or any special knowledge or effort. <br />There shall be maintained a thirty (30) inch clear aisleway from <br />all parts of the stand to exit doors. <br /> <br />Sec. 14-72. Trash Removal. <br /> <br /> Ail trash shall be removed from the premises and the <br />fireworks stand each evening at the close of business. <br /> <br />Sec. 14-73. Fireworks Sale and Storage. <br /> <br /> Fireworks shall be stored and sold only in temporary <br />fireworks stands erected solely for such purpose. It shall be <br />unlawful to store or sell fireworks in any building, residence, <br />garage, home, automobile, trailer, or other vehicle within the <br />City of Santa Ana, except for temporary storage of small quan- <br />tities in the residence of the purchaser during the period of <br />permitted sale as defined in Section 14-55. <br /> <br />Sec. 14-74. Fireworks: Public Display. <br /> <br /> Notwithstanding any other provisions of this article, <br />the fire chief in his discretion may grant permits for public <br />displays of fireworks under his supervision. Applications for <br />such public permits shall be filed with the fire chief not less <br />than fifteen (15) days before such public display and shall be <br />accompanied by a detailed statement of the items of such pro- <br />posed display. If such permit is granted, no items shall be <br />displayed except as are contained in such statement and the <br />fire chief may, in granting such permit, eliminate from said <br />statement such items as he deems hazardous and no grantee of <br />such permit shall exhibit or display such eliminated items. <br />Such public display shall be under the supervision of the fire <br />chief or such persons as he shall designate and authorize. The <br />fee for such permit for such public display shall be established <br />by resolution of the city council. Such display shall be held <br />at such place and time as designated in said permit. The appli- <br />cant for such permit shall comply with the provisions of the <br />California Administrative Code, Title 19, Chapter 1, Subchapter <br />6, Article 15. The denial of an application may be appealed to <br />the Uniform Code appeals board. <br /> <br /> <br />