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ORDINANCE NO. NS-1727 <br />PAGE EIGHT <br /> <br />Sec. 14-33. Determination of Required Fire Flow <br /> (Section 10.301(g)). <br /> <br /> Subsection (g) is added to Section 10.301 of the <br />Uniform Fire Code, to read as follows: <br /> <br /> (g) In determining the fire flow requirements for <br />any building, structure, or fire area, the fire chief shall <br />proceed in accordance with the standards set forth in that <br />certain "Santa Ana Fire Department Guide for Determination <br />of Fire Flows," of which not less than three (3) copies <br />are on file in the office of the clerk of the council of <br />the City of Santa Ana. <br /> <br />Sec. 14-34. Historical Property. <br /> <br /> Subsection (h) is added to Section 10.301 of the <br />Uniform Fire Code, to read as follows: <br /> <br /> (h)(1) This subsection applies only to buildings, or <br />portions thereof, which have been designated as historical <br />property pursuant to section 30-1 of the Santa Ana Munici- <br />pal Code, and which would require either the installation <br />of an automatic sprinkler system, or the installation of <br />one or more fire hydrants with appurtenant water supply, <br />or both, in order to comply with this section, by reason <br />of the additions, alterations or repairs or changes of <br />occupancy proposed for such building. <br /> <br /> (2) An automatic sprinkler system shall be installed <br />in any portion of such building which is to be used as a <br />place of public assemblage or a Group H occupancy, as de- <br />fined in the building code of the City of Santa Ana. <br /> <br /> (3) Subject to the overriding requirement of <br />paragraph (2) of this subsection, changes to buildings with- <br />in the scope of this section shall be subject to approval <br />on the following standard: Installations of automatic <br />sprinkler systems or fire hydrants shall be required only <br />to the extent necessary to avoid an increase in the risk of <br />fire occurring, the danger to life in the event of fire, <br />or the difficulty of fire suppression or to avoid a pro- <br />longation of any especially hazardous situation. The need <br />of such installations or alternative fire-protection re- <br />quirements shall be evaluated in view of any modifications <br />in building safety standards due to application of the <br /> <br /> <br />