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1953 - 1999 (NS-001-NS-2415)
1989 (NS-1992 - NS-2046)
Entry Properties
Last modified
1/3/2012 1:03:27 PM
Creation date
6/26/2003 10:08:08 AM
City Clerk
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for multiple phased final maps (authorized pursuant to Government <br />Code Section 66456.1) (hereinafter the "Tentative Map"). <br /> <br /> C. The City has taken all steps necessary to achieve <br />compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act <br />including the circulation and adoption of the EIR. The City has <br />specifically incorporated mitigation measures recommended by the <br />EIR into the terms of this Agreement. <br /> <br /> D. The development and use which Developer proposes in <br />connection with the Property have been extensively reviewed and <br />considered by the City and its officers, agencies and departments <br />and such proposed development and use have been modified to <br />accommodate the City's recommendations and suggestions in order <br />to protect the public's interest and to enhance the desirability, <br />from the public's perspective, of such proposed development and <br />use. The terms and conditions of this Agreement have been found <br />by the City to be fair, just and reasonable. <br /> <br /> E. The development and use which Developer proposes in <br />connection with the Property will provide substantial public <br />benefits and help the City attain certain public objectives, <br />including, without limitation: (a) the development of a major <br />business center within the City which will provide a long-term <br />source of employment opportunities and revitalization of the <br />economic base of the community; (b) providing the City directly <br />with additional revenue in the form of sales taxes, rental taxes, <br />and increased real property taxes; (c) prov{ding retail and <br />service facilities for the business community in the area of the <br />real property; (d) providing for the dedication and improvement <br />of Cabrillo Park Drive connecting First Street through to 17th <br />Street in conformance to the City's master plan; (e) the widening <br />and improvement of drainage of public streets at First Street and <br />Cabrillo Park Drive; and (f) the improvement of access to <br />Interstate 5 from First and Fourth Streets. <br /> <br /> F. Developer will be required to make substantial commit- <br />ments and risks in developing the real property including, <br />without limitation, dedication of real property, expenditures for <br />construction of public improvements and expenditures for <br />necessary predevelopment planning, engineering and design work <br />and accordingly, Developer has requested the City to enter into <br />this Agreement. If the City were to halt any part of the <br />development at any time or if Developer were required to comply <br />with some or all newly adopted land use ordinances, rules, <br />regulations, policies, or moratoriums, Developer would incur <br />substantial losses, including, without limitation, the dimunition <br />in the value of the real property and loss of anticipated <br />revenues from the development of the real property. Due to the <br /> <br />- 2 - <br /> <br /> <br />
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