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250, <br /> <br />magnitude of those development risks and uncertainties, Developer <br />would not have agreed to commit itself to the development, unless <br />the City had entered into this Agreement. <br /> <br /> G. The City, by electing to enter into contractual agree- <br />ments such as this one, acknowledges that the obligations of the <br />City shall survive beyond the term or terms of the present City <br />Council members, that such action will serve to bind the City and <br />future councils to the obligations hereby undertaken and this <br />Agreement shall limit the future exercise of certain governmental <br />and proprietary powers of the City. By approving this Agreement, <br />the City Council has elected to exercise certain governmental <br />powers at the time of its entering into this Agreement rather <br />than deferring its actions to some undetermined future date. <br />Accordingly, the City and Developer desire to enter into this <br />Agreement in order to vest in Developer certain development <br />rights pursuant to the terms of this Agreement. Such development <br />rights are intended to allow for the development of the real <br />property in accordance with the terms of this Agreement pursuant <br />to the land use ordinances, rules, regulations and policies <br />applicable as of the Effective Date, except as otherwise <br />specified in this Agreement. <br /> WHEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing and of their <br /> mutual and respective promises, and subject to the terms and <br /> conditions hereinafter set forth, the parties hereto do hereby <br /> agree as follows: <br /> <br /> 1. Property and Phasing. Developer and the City agree <br /> that the Property may be developed in one or more phases. The <br /> purpose of this Agreement is to form a binding agreement for the <br /> development of all such phases of the Property. For the purpose <br /> of this Agreement, "Phase I" shall mean the existing development <br /> dePicted as Parcel 1 on Exhibit "B", attached hereto and incor- <br /> porated herein. It is currently anticipated that the Property <br /> will be developed in three (3) subsequent phases, sometimes <br /> hereinafter referred to as "Phase II", as depicted on Exhibit <br /> "B" as Parcel 2, "Phase III", as depicted on Exhibit "B" as <br /> Parcel 3 and "Phase IV" as depicted on Exhibit "B" as Parcel 4. <br /> Developer, however, reserves the right to develop the Property in <br /> any number of phases, including without limitation, the ability <br /> to separately construct as separate phases, retail or restaurant <br /> improvements. The phrase "Project(s)" as used herein, shall be <br /> deemed to refer to any or all Phases of development. <br /> 2. Term. The term of this Agreement (hereinafter "Term") <br /> shall commence on the Effective Date of this Agreement, as set <br /> forth above, and shall continue for a period of fifteen (15) <br /> years from such date, unless sooner terminated pursuant to the <br /> provisions hereof. <br /> <br />- 3 - <br /> <br /> <br />