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the whole planning area. (See Figure 3.3) <br /> <br />· Create visual and physical gateways at <br />both ends of the Harbor Boulevard plan- <br />ning area enhanced by distinct landscape <br />architectural elements. <br /> <br />· Establish a consistent tree palette in both <br />the medians and within the parkway as <br />well as along key arterial streets within <br />the planning area. <br /> <br />· Establish a consistent treatment in the <br /> public right-of-way throughout the plan- <br /> ning area. <br /> <br />· Establish a consistent parking lot tree- <br />planting scheme throughout the planning <br />area. Such treatments should work to <br />shade parking lots as well as provide <br />visual quality. <br /> <br />· Unify the various land use districts along <br />North Harbor Boulevard through a con- <br />sistent treatment of the public right-of- <br />way as defined by landscape palette and <br />setbacks. <br /> <br />· Establish coordinated landscape elements <br /> at key intersections and entry points. <br /> <br />3.3 LAND USE CATEGORIES <br /> <br />The Specific Plan divides the planning area into seven <br />land use categories. The titles of these categories have <br />been created to dearly reflect the intended character of <br />the zone as well as remove any confusion of symantics <br />between these districts and the land use designation in <br />the City's General Plan. <br /> <br />The following is a listing of these categories and their <br />relationship to the General Plan: <br /> <br />The following commercial districts correspond to the <br />General Business District (GBD) land use designation <br />of the General Plan. A floor area ratio of 0.5 has been <br />established, Citywide, for this land use designation. <br />These districts are to be developed in conformance with <br />the existing GBD intensities: <br /> <br />General Commercial (FAR 05) <br /> General Commercial uses are located along <br /> <br />10 <br /> <br />the corridor to serve the neighborhood uses as <br />well as provide opportunity for development <br />of support uses to the focused project areas. <br /> <br />Recreat/ona/VeJ~c/e Aulomot/ve Comraera~/(FAR 0.5) - <br /> This land use is concentrated in an area from <br /> north of Hazard Avenue to north of <br /> Washington Avenue. It serves the regional <br /> market for recreational vehicles, mobile <br /> homes and small trucks. A range of automo- <br /> tive activities will be permitted including <br /> sales, servicing and repairs, and other related <br /> uses. Typical related uses will include com- <br /> mereial and retail outlets, e.g.R.V, supplies, <br /> auto insurance agents, etc. <br /> <br />This unique design district recognizes existing <br />auto-oriented and auto service uses currently <br />established along Harbor Boulevard that serve <br />the regional market for recreational vehicles, <br />mobile homes and used automobiles. These <br />land uses are transitional uses antidpating <br />future development changes. Architectural <br />standards have been established to encourage <br />visual continuity. <br /> <br />Entertainment (FAR 0.5) <br /> An entertainment node has been designated <br /> just south of First St ~_~t with a regional and <br /> local focus for the planning area. This will be <br /> closely related to the adjacent commerdal and <br /> open space areas. <br /> <br />The two categories, Industrial (FAR 0.4) and <br />Open Space, have not had their titles changed <br />because past history has proven there is gen- <br />erally a dear conception of these terms and <br />the uses permitted in these districts. <br /> <br />Industrial (FAR 0.4) <br /> Industrial land is restricted to that part of the <br /> study area north of the Pacific Electric right- <br /> of-way and east of Harbor Boulevard. <br /> <br /> The Open Space designation covers existing <br /> parks and open spaces in the study area, with <br /> land additions being proposed to enhance and <br /> open up those fadlities to major streets wher- <br /> ever possible. <br /> <br />Single -Family Residence (seven d~elling units per acre or <br />less) <br /> The single-family residence land use designa- <br /> <br /> <br />