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NORTH HARBOR SPECIFIC PLAN <br /> <br />107 <br /> <br />OVERALL CONCEPT <br /> <br />This chapter describes the overall concept for the North <br />Harbor Specific Plan that was generated in response to <br />the issues, opportunities and constraints identified by <br />property owners (see Appendix and to the goals and <br />objectives identified in the Appendix and Chapter Two. <br /> <br /> The overall concept is aimed at encouraging the devel- <br /> opment of distinct and cohe~nt nodes of commercial <br />· activity along Harbor Boulevard. Within these nodes, <br />land uses are grouped together to form areas that have <br />a well-defined economic and visual character. <br />Groupings of similar business types much the same as <br />at shopping malls tend to help establish easily recog- <br />nized centers of business activity. It also encourages <br />repeat customers for each business. <br /> <br />This general concept for the future development and <br />redevelopment of the study area is based in part on the <br />findings of the market study which was completed as <br />part of the overall North Harbor planning program. <br />This study identifies good market potential in the <br />region as a whole and points to the need to upgrade <br />the planning area, both by cosmetic treatments to the <br />street and by the organization of land uses along <br />Harbor Boulevard. Such upgrades to the image of the <br />area will attract new investment from available mar- <br />kets. Assistance from the City, especially with regard <br />to site assemblage at the northern and southern ends of <br />the planning area, is considered to be a major imple- <br />menting factor for the overall improvement process <br />along Harbor Boulevard. <br /> <br />3.2 EMPHASIS ZONES <br /> <br />3.2.1 General Ahns and Purposes <br /> <br />The North Harbor Specific Plan aims at encouraging a <br />mix of high-quality development by integrating exist- <br />ing land uses with future land uses into distinct and <br />coherent nodes of commercial activity that are called <br />emphasis zones. Each zone is intended to exhibit a <br />well-defined economic and visual character supported <br />by improvements achieved through a unified detailing <br />along the public right-of-way. <br /> <br />3.2.2 General Policies <br /> <br />1. Creation ora Pedestrian Realm - Pedestrian <br /> circulation within the planning area should <br /> not be dominated by automobile circula- <br /> tion. <br /> <br />· Establish visual and physical access into <br /> Santa Anita Park by promotihg pedestri- <br /> an corridors and a linked oPen space net- <br /> work between building complexes. These <br /> corridors should connect directly to <br /> Harbor Boulevard. Shrubbery to be main- <br /> tained at 3' height. <br /> <br />· Develop a consistent, well-integrated <br /> visual character along Harbor Boulevard <br /> and the area's other arterial streets that is <br /> supported by a unified landscape palette, <br /> sidewalks and lighting. <br /> <br />· Develop pedestrian zones within parking <br />areas that establish clearly delineated <br />access pathways to building entryways <br />and assodated pedestrian plazas. Such <br />pedestrian linkages should link with the <br />public right-of-way. <br /> <br />· The pedestrian corridors described in this <br />section must be carefully designed to <br />encourage building-complex territoriality. <br />Emphasis must be placed on high visibili- <br />ty/natural surveillance and assodation <br />with adjacent land uses. All pedestrian <br />corridors to be illuminated to a minimum <br />maintained 1 footage. <br /> <br />Architectural and Site Design Issues - Archi- <br />tecture and site design should reflect good <br />design practices consistent with the com- <br />mercial character of the planning area. <br /> <br />· Aid in establishing a high-quality of <br /> design for new and remodeled buildings. <br /> <br />· Group buildings into complexes to create <br /> a pedestrian realm wherever possible. <br /> <br />· Establish guidelines for the scale, mass- <br /> lng, height, fenestration, material, color <br /> and texture of new buildings that harmo- <br /> nize with the existing neighboring pro- <br /> jects. <br /> <br />· Encourage ingenuity in design. <br /> <br />3. Urban Design Issues - Integration of <br /> the Harbor Boulevard area should be creat- <br /> ed through consistency in street-side land- <br /> scaping. While each emphasis zone should <br /> take on its own character, common land- <br /> scaping elements are to be used to integrate <br /> <br /> <br />