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112 <br /> <br />NORTH HARBOR SPECIFIC PLAN <br /> <br /> · Florist shops <br /> · FurnitUre stores <br /> · Grocery stores <br /> · Home improvement stores <br /> · Jewelry stores <br /> · Office, business machine and computer <br /> sto~s <br /> · Pet shops and supplies <br /> · Specialty retail stores <br /> · Sporting goods stores <br /> · Variety stores <br />· Other uses of a similar operation or nature <br /> 2. Offices, including: <br /> · Administrative services <br /> · Business services <br /> · Design, architectural or planning services <br /> · Financial institutions <br /> · Medical and dental offices <br /> · Professional services <br /> · Veterinary offices <br /> · O~her uses of a similar operation or nature <br />3. Cinema (indoor) excluding "adult-only" <br />4. Public facilities and offices <br /> <br />3.5.2 Conditionally Permitted Uses <br /> <br />The following uses may be permitted subject to the <br />issuance of a conditional use permit pursuant to the <br />Santa Aha Municipal Code: <br /> <br />1. Drive-through facilities whether part of <br /> another permitted use, a conditionally per- <br /> mired use, or as a separate facility <br />2. Parking structures <br />3. Service and/or gasoline stations <br />4. Restaurants and other eating establishment, <br /> including take-out, but not including drive- <br /> through facilities <br />5. Public dance halls andpublic dance places <br /> with or without a cover charge <br /> <br />3.5.3 Minimum Lot Size and Dimensions <br /> <br />The minimum size of any development proposal shall <br />be 15,000 gross square feet. The minimum lot frontage <br />shall be 120 feet on a public right-of-way. <br /> <br />Separately-owned units of real property may be <br />deemed a single lot for the purposes of this section if <br />they are subject to conditions, covenants and restric- <br />tions, and reciprocal easements of access that provide <br />for unified responsibility for vehicle access, parking, <br />landscaping and signage. <br />Adjacent parcels under the same ownership shall be <br />combined and developed under one site plan or other <br /> <br />development permit. <br /> <br />3.5.4 Special Requirements <br /> <br />1. The following items shall be screened from <br /> view from any arterial or collector street: <br /> <br />· Loading docks, service bays, garage <br /> doors, and loading areas <br />· Utility meters <br />· Mechanical equipment <br />· Trash storage <br /> <br />2. The design of all development within the <br /> General Commerdal District shall be such <br /> that significant building architectural and <br /> landscape elements are present on all build- <br /> ing elevations. <br /> <br />3.5.5 DESIGN STANDARDS <br /> <br />Refer to Chapters 5 and 6 for Design and Development <br />Standards. <br /> <br />14 <br /> <br />3.6 ENTERTAINMENT <br /> <br />The Entertainment District is intended to provide an area <br />along Harbor Boulevard specifically set aside for private, <br />profit-raaldng recreation and family entertainment activities <br />such as restaurants, skating rinks, theaters, or night clubs. <br />Development in this district should be well integrated with <br />Santa Anita Park with shared access where possible and <br />integrated pedestrion circulation. <br /> <br />This land use designation is concentrated in the mid block <br />area between First Street and McFadden Avenue and forms <br />the central focus for the General Commercial zone. T~,ical <br />land uses within this zone include restaurants, theaters, <br />movie theaters, health leisure clubs, night dubs, eararaunity <br />centers, urban open space including outdoor display and <br />entertainment areas, and other leisure activities. <br /> <br />3.6.1 Uses Penni~ed <br /> <br />1. Health clubs <br />2. Ice skating and roller skating rinks <br />3. Miniature golf courses and driving ranges <br />4. Batting cages <br />5. Cinema (indoor) excluding "adult-only" <br />6. Museums and other publicly or not-for- <br /> profit operated cultural or similar institu- <br /> tions <br />7. Live theater <br /> <br /> <br />