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NORTH HARBOR SPECIFIC PLAN <br /> <br />115 <br /> <br /> the ground floor <br />2. Town homes with the main entrance and a <br /> portion of the living space for each unit on <br /> the ground floor <br /> <br />3.10.2 Conditionally Permitted Uses <br /> <br />Conditionally permitted uses in the Town House <br />District shall be the same as those in Section 41-247.5 of <br />the Santa Aha Municipal Code. <br /> <br />3.10.3 Permitted Accessory Uses <br /> <br />1. Garages and other enclosed parking facili- <br /> ties <br />2. Swimming pools <br />3. Fences, walls and patios <br />4. Greenhouses (non-commercial) <br />5. Landscaping and recreational facilities <br />6. Other uses that are clearly incidental to pri- <br /> mary uses and are for the exclusive use of <br /> the residents of the site. <br /> <br />3.10.4 M~imum ~tS~e <br /> <br />In order to develop a multi-unit project (two units or <br />more) a minimum lot size of 9,000 square feet shall be <br />required. The number of units permitted shall be cal- <br />culated at one (1) unit per 3,000 square feet above the <br />first unit which is calculated at one (l) dwelling unit <br />per every 6,000 square feet of land. <br /> <br />3.10.5 Yard Requirements <br /> <br />Front, side and rear yards shall be as set forth in Section <br />41-249, 41-250 and, 41-251 of the Santa Ana Municipal <br />Code. <br /> <br />3.10.6 Building Height <br /> <br />Maximum building heights shall be twenty-seven feet, <br />with the exception that architectural features such as <br />towers, cupolas or chimneys may be permitted above <br />the maximum building height. Building heights shall <br />be calculated as the distance between average finished <br />grade and the top of the parapet for flat roofs or the <br />ridge line for pitched roofs. <br /> <br />17 <br /> <br /> <br />