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NORTH HARBOR SPECIFIC PLAN <br /> <br />4.1 FOCUS PROJECT AREAS <br /> <br />4.1.1 Regional Setting <br /> <br />The City of Santa Aha is in the heart of Orange County. <br />Harbor Boulevard, one of the main commerdal arteries <br />in the City, is located in the southwest portion of Santa <br />.Ana. It is one of Santa Ana's major thoroughfares <br />resulting from the commercial and industrial develop- <br />ments along Harbor Boulevard. Santa Ana's Harbor <br />Boulevard is viable because it is linked to all major <br />highways. It allows transportation to a number of dif- <br />ferent attractions throughout Orange County within a <br />few minutes. <br /> <br />The amusement parks within the region are major <br />attractions bringing visitors from all parts of the world. <br />Disneyland is the primary destination (Figure 4.1). <br />People are enchanted by the famous cartoon characters <br />and are treated to a day of fun and surprises. The addi- <br />tion of Westcott will be an enlightening experience <br />allowing tourists to fantasize they are in several foreign <br />countries without leaving the park. Another amuse- <br />ment park that is in Orange County is Knott's Barry <br />Farm, known for its famous chicken dinners, jellies and <br />western atmosphere. <br /> <br />Orange County is fortunate to have four major cultural <br />centers separated by a few minutes of freeway travel. <br />The Orange County Performing Arts Center features <br />world acclaimed opera and ballet companies, musicals, <br />theater, symphonies and concerts. The second venue is <br />Bower's Museum which displays cultural exhibits from <br />around the world. The third site is h'vine Meadows, an <br />outdoor amphitheater that showcases an array of musi- <br />cal groups from rock and roll to classical. Lastly, there <br />is Little Saigon, a settlement boasting the largest con- <br />centration of Vietnamese culture outside of Vietnam. <br />This ethnic community consists of authentic restaurants <br />and shops that give it a unique atmosphere. <br /> <br />California is in a sub-tropical region that allows people <br />to enjoy outdoor activities all year round. Willowick <br />Golf Course in Santa Aha has the distinction of being <br />the second most used golf course in California. It is an <br />18 hole course that is conveniently located at Harbor <br />Boulevard and Fifth Street. Mile Square Park is located <br />in the nearby city of Fountain Valley. This park con- <br />tains a variety of recreational facilities consisting of an <br />archery range, golf course, basketball courts, baseball <br />fields and a radio-controlled airplane air field. <br />Newport Baach is located 20 minutes south of Santa <br />Aha allowing for easy access to the Pacific Ocean. <br />Newport Harbor is a great way to spend a day enjoying <br />the vistas of one of the largest moorings of pleasure <br /> <br />boats in the nation. Along the bayside there is a small <br />umusement park, the Balboa Fun Zone, that has enter- <br />rained families for seven decades. <br /> <br />Retail shopping centers are important points of interest <br />in Orange County. South Coast Plaza is one of the <br />largest and most lucrative malls in Orange County. <br />Main Place in Santa Ana is a $400 million shopping <br />center with four major retailers and over 170 shops <br />and ~staurants. <br /> <br />A means of transportation is essential for travelers who <br />visit Orange County. John Wayne Airport is just ten <br />minutes from Harbor Boulevard. The recent expansion <br />doubled its capacity to 8,000,000 passengers annually, <br />and it is now able to handle over 90 flights per day with <br />commercial airlines. <br /> <br />Orange County can be considered a major metropolitan <br />area with its arenas and professional teams. Anaheim <br />Stadium can hold a capacity crowd of 59,000 people to <br />watch the Los Angeles Rams of the National Football <br />League or the California Angels of the American <br />Baseball League. The Anaheim Arena offers a maxi- <br />mum capadty of 17,000 to watch the Mighty Ducks of <br />Anaheim play in the National Hockey League. <br /> <br />Orange County is a center for higher learning for the <br />Western region of the United States. The University of <br />California Irvine is gaining a reputation among the <br />nations top ranked universities. The school's renowned <br />researched accomplishments and medical facilities are <br />just two of its many outstanding qualities. Rancho <br />Santiago Community College, located in Santa Ana, is <br />part of the California junior college system. It is nation- <br />ally acclaimed as an excellent academic program at a <br />minimal tuition cost. <br /> <br />From a regional perspective, Harbor Boulevard serves <br />as a major link between two major national attractions, <br />Disneyland and the Padfic Ocean. Due to its peripher- <br />al proximity, Harbor Boulevard services many attrac- <br />tions. <br /> <br />Disneyland has embarked on an extremely aggressive <br />expansion program, Westcott. This project is the <br />largest private development project in the United <br />States. It will produce 5,000 new employees and gener- <br />ate additional tourism. <br /> <br />Harbor Boulevard, because of its unique location, can <br />capitalize on this as a secondary market for recreational <br />commercial business. <br /> <br /> The City of Garden Grove would have been the natural <br /> <br />20 <br /> <br /> <br />