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119 <br />NORTH HARBOR SPI~CIFIC PLAN <br /> <br />recipient of vacation business spin-offs; however, the <br />stretch of Harbor Boulevard which runs from <br />Seventeenth Street to the Anaheim City boundary has <br />been recently developed with commercial uses. The <br />result of this timetable is that the City of Garden Grove <br />cannot respond to the opportunity that the Disneyland <br />Westcott project offers. <br /> <br />The properties along Harbor Boulevard on the Santa <br />Aha side however, have not been maximized. Large <br />parcels of acreage exist under single or dual owner- <br />ships. It appears that a market shift to recreational <br />commercial uses is viable. The Spedfic Plan acknowl- <br />edges this new direction and has designated properties <br />within the Specific Plan boundaries for special market- <br />ing activity by the City to capitalize on this shift. <br /> <br />These properties are referred to as Focus Project Areas. <br /> <br />4.2 FOCUS PROJECT AREAS <br /> <br />Focus project areas are specific sites along Harbor <br />Boulevard that have potential for development. These <br />developments could be of a size that can alter the eco- <br />nomic viability along the commercial corridor. <br /> <br />Five sites have been identified: <br /> <br />1. Southeast comer of Harbor Boulevard at <br /> Seventeenth Street <br /> <br />2. Southwest comer of Harbor Boulevard at <br /> Seventeenth St m"et <br /> <br />3. Mid-block of Harbor Boulevard at <br /> Washington Street on west side of Harbor <br /> <br />4.West side of Harbor Boulevard between <br />Hazard and Fifth Street <br /> <br />5. Southeast comer of Harbor Boulevard at <br /> McFadden Avenue <br /> <br />4.2.1 Focus Area I <br /> <br />The southeast corner of Harbor Boulevard at <br />Seventeenth Street offers approximately eight acres of <br />land. A four-acre panel owned by one individual is <br />located adjacent to the P & E Rail right-of-way. The <br />remaining parcels fronting Harbor Boulevard have <br />been developed as commercial uses. <br /> <br />The availability of the rear four acre site in conjunction <br />with the P & E right-of way offers an opportunity for a <br />future station site. It also offers the potential for devel- <br /> <br />Focus Area I <br /> <br />opment as a destination use. Vacation/recreation use <br />are also encouraged. <br /> <br />4.2.2 Focus Area 2 <br /> <br />The southwest corner of Harbor Boulevard at <br />Seventeenth Street is approximately two acres of land. <br />One acre is under single ownership. These parcels are <br />improved with commercial uses. <br /> <br />Located adjacent to the site is the Vietnamese Catholic <br />Church. This church serves as a regional destination for <br />Catholics primarily in the Asian community. <br /> <br />Little Saigon is an ethnic community/commercial dis- <br />trict located west of this site. It is located in the City of <br />Garden Grove but is in close proximity. This site, as a <br />result, offers an opportunity to serve this segment of <br />the population with an ethnic commercial center. <br /> <br />4.23 Focus Area 3 <br /> <br />The nine-acre property is located on the west side of <br />Harbor Boulevard at the intersection of Washington <br />Street and Harbor Boulevard. The property is currently <br />underdeveloped and is owned by two separate parties. <br /> <br />The property is located in the Automotive District of <br />the emphasis zones. There is opportunity to develop <br />this property for auto sales, recreational vehicle sales <br />and services, motor home sales, motor home park or <br />similar vacation Oriented or vehicle oriented businesses. <br /> <br />21 <br /> <br /> <br />