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126 <br /> <br />NORTH HARBOR SPECIFIC PLAN <br /> <br />way (ROW) shall be within enclosures and incorporat- <br />ed into the building footprint. The location and archi- <br />tectural design of trash enclosu~s, while meeting func- <br />tional requirements (vehicular sight clearance, quanti- <br />ty, access, storage size, etc.), shall also be unobtrusive <br />in view and use as well as be complementary to the <br />approved architectural style of the development. The <br />enclosure shall be properly maintained and kept free of <br />debris in all areas outside of the dumpsters. <br /> <br />Dumpsters and trash enclosures shall not be located in <br />the middle of the perking areas or adjacent to the street. <br /> <br />All trash vehicles must enter or leave the public ROW <br />with a forward motion. <br /> <br />Trash storage must be located so that trash trucks may <br />enter and leave the site with forward motion. <br /> <br />Truck loading shall not be permitted in the public <br />ROW. <br /> <br />Views into any storage area shall be screened or filtered <br />by concrete/plaster finish or masonry block walls, solid <br />gates and trellises (when enclosure is within view of <br />second-story buildings). The use of plant material such <br />as trees shrubs (particularly unis) is encouraged to <br />screen the overall appearance. The storage of all mat- <br />erials shall meet all City requirements. <br /> <br />5.3.6 Vehicle Containment <br /> <br />The materials utilized by automotive sales businesses <br />to contain vehicles on their lot shall be carefully <br />designed and shall include fencing, hedging and other <br />low walls not to exceed 36 inches in height. The mate- <br />rials must be acceptable to the city. Galvanized steel <br />pipes imbedded in the ground or chainlink fencing are <br />not acceptable. <br /> <br />5,3.7 Bus Turnouts <br /> <br />Bus turnouts shall be provided at major intersections <br />according to Orange County Transit Authority (OCTA) <br />plans and conforming to OCTA standards. <br /> <br />Plastic pennant flag lines or corporate flags are not <br />acceptable as flags or promotional material. <br /> <br />Paving textures and materials shall be varied to the <br />building entrances and incorporated within design of <br /> <br />28 <br /> <br />the pro'~ct to define pedestrian pathways. <br /> <br />53.10 Roofs <br /> <br />Materia/s <br />Any material is acceptable, applicable building code <br />permitting, except corrugated products. <br /> <br />Materials (Non-Residential) <br />Any material is acceptable, applicable building code <br />permitting, except wood shingles, asphalt shingles or. <br />corrugated products. <br /> <br />Materials (General) <br />Avoid materials that are intended to simulate other <br />materials (such as plastic to look like brick or stone). <br />Materials shall be contextual and compatible with each <br />other. <br /> <br />Colors <br />Avoid bright colors. Select only colors that harmonize <br />with the hue of the existing building. <br /> <br />Roof slopes of a pitch greater than 12 inches horizontal <br />to 12 inches vertical are prohibited. Steeply pitched <br />roofs tend to appear "tacked on" and usually do not <br />integrate well architecturally. (See Figure 5-D) for <br />inappropriate treatment and Figure 5-E for an appro- <br />priate treatment. <br /> <br />Size/Proportion <br />Avoid short roofs (e.g. five rows of tile), especially <br />when roof is extended for a long distance along the ele- <br />vation. Long expanses of roof elevation should be <br />interrupted by a change in roof direction, higher roofs, <br />etc. <br /> <br />Avoid short roofs that do not terminate into a wall at <br />the top of the roof slope (mansard) unless they slope <br />for a substantial distance (thereby avoiding the impres- <br />sion they have been "tacked-on"). <br /> <br />Avoid short roofs that are attached to the face of tilt-up <br />walls without support by columns. They also appear <br />"tacked-on". <br /> <br />$3.11 Mechanical Equipment S~ens <br /> <br />Rooftop and ground mounted mechanical equipment <br />shall be located and screened to minimize the visual <br />intrusion of the equipment to the general public and <br />users of the area. This shall be achieved by including <br />the equipment in the utility moms within the building <br />footprint. (Figure 5-F shows poorly screened equip- <br /> <br /> <br />