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PIUVATE fl~OFERTY <br /> <br /> BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME <br /> · lederz helix '~llmii' H~hn's ~lf branching ivy <br /> <br />Rasnuflnus officimlis Dwarf Rosema~ <br />~'os~it~s 'Locl~,,ood deform' <br /> <br />' Ar~ntbeca caJenduh ~tpe weed (b. ch dais);) <br /> <br />Myopomm pel~ifolium <br />Ducbesnea indica <br /> <br />Indian Mock Strawbem/ <br /> <br />DroMntbemum floflbundum Ro~l Ice Rant <br /> <br />1.Turf is required in all mediam. Groundcover may be appropriate <br />for xeriscape plantings on private properS. <br /> <br />2. Groundc~ve~ is to be planted from fiats eight (8) inches on center. <br />3. Appties to landscape setback and on-s~te shrub planting ar~, <br /> <br />4.Remaining set backs and remaining groundcover areas may be <br />planted with a g~ouedcover of individual choice, recommended at <br />eight (8) inches on cent~. <br /> <br />$. Shredded red woo~ bark or similar mulch shall be spread evenly at <br />· mintmum depth of two (2) inches ove~ the entire groundcover area. <br /> <br /> TABLE 6.5 <br /> REQUIRED VINE PALETTE <br /> PRIVATE PROPERTY <br /> <br />· BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME <br /> <br />Parthenodssus tricuspidata Boston Ivy <br />Ficus repens Creeping Fig <br />Clytostoma mllistegindes Viole~ Trump~ Vine <br />Distictis 'Rivers' Royal Trumpet Vine <br />Dist k'tis buceinatoris Blood Trumpe~ Vine <br />Hibbeflis stand.ns Gold Guinea Vine <br /> <br /> Anti~onon leptopus C. oml Vine <br /> <br />NOTES: <br /> <br />1. All vines shall be five (5) ~allon in size. <br /> <br />2. Minimum sparing sbel] be te~ (10) ~ on center. <br /> <br />3. Vines shall be permanently attached to the s~mcture using <br /> moly belts or nthe~ unobt rus'we fastenem <br /> <br /> <br />