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143 <br /> <br />NORTH HARBOR SPECIFIC PLAN <br /> <br />7.1 CIRCULATION <br /> <br />The ~irculation plan is intended to provide for the orderly, <br />efficient and safe vehicular and non-vehicular access into, <br />within and through the North Harbor Specific Plan area. <br />The circulation standards outlined in this chapter also irapJe- <br />raent the policies of the Santa Aha General Plan. A traffic <br />study that makes various recommendations to improve the <br />local circulation system was prepared in connection with this <br />Specific Plan and is incog~orated herein by ~¥eronce~ <br /> <br />7.1 EXISTING CIRCULATION <br /> <br />The following details the present status of streets in end <br />around the North Harbor Specific Plan area: <br /> <br />7.1.1 Harbor Boulevard <br /> <br />While Harbor Boulevard serves as the major traffic cor- <br />ridor through the planning area, improvements along <br />the street are incomplete with certain sections having <br />only two travel lanes in each direction or no improved <br />shoulders. Continuous two-way left-turn lanes are pro- <br />vided between intersections with dedicated left-turn <br />lanes at all signalized intersections. Regulatory signs <br />prohibit stopping and restrict parking through the <br />length of Harbor Boulevard. The City of Santa Aha has <br />classified Harbor Boulevard as a major arterial with a <br />right-of-way width of 120 feet and a curb-to-curb width <br />of 102 feet. The Orange County Master Plan of Arterial <br />Highways (MPAH) classifies Harbor Boulevard as a <br />major arterial. <br /> <br />7.1.2 Westminster Avenue <br /> <br />Westminster Avenue is presently constructed as a four- <br />lane arterial with a continuous, two-way left-turn lane <br />between arterial intersections. On-street parking is per- <br />mitted along most of its length except at intersection <br />approaches. Both the City of Santa Aha and the MPAH <br />classify Westminster Avenue as a modified major arter- <br />ial. <br /> <br />Westminster Avenue is planned for widening to six <br />lanes with a functional classification as a major arterial <br />and with full intersection enhancements during the <br />1990s. <br /> <br />7.1.3 Fifth Street <br /> <br />This street is currently built as a two-lane undivided <br />arterial with no median. Between Newhope Street and <br />Harbor Boulevard, Fifth Street is classified as a local <br />collector with a right-of-way width of 60 feet, and a <br />· North Harbor Boulevard R~deodopmenf Area Traffic Study. DKS <br /> <br />curb-to-curb width of 40 feet. East of Harbor <br />Boulevard, Fifth Street is classified as a secondary arter- <br />ial within a right-of-way of 64 feet. Stopping is prohib- <br />ited along both north and south sides of the street at <br />any time. <br /> <br />7.1.4 Fint S~wt <br /> <br />First Street is currently a six-lene roadway with a con- <br />tinuous two-way lefi-tum lane. At key intersections, <br />major capacity improvements have been constructed <br />including dual left turn lanes. Stopping is prohibited <br />along First Street during the morning and evening rush <br />hours. The City of Santa Aha and the MPAH classify <br />First Street as a major arterial with a fight-of-way width <br />of 120 feet and a curb-to-curb width of 102 feet. <br /> <br />7.1.5 McFadden Avenue <br /> <br />Except for the two-lane section imn~diately west of <br />Harbor Boulevard, McFadden Avenue is a four-lane <br />arterial with a continuous, two-way left-turn lane <br />between arterial intersections. On-street parking is per- <br />mitted along most of its length except at intersection <br />approaches and along the two-lane section. The City of <br />Santa Aha classifies McFadden Avenue as a secondary <br />arterial with a right-of-way of 80 feet and a curb-to- <br />curb width of 64 feet. <br /> <br />7.1.6 Hazard Avenue <br /> <br />Running between Newhope Street and Jackson Street, <br />Hazard Avenue is)(,presently a four lane undivided <br />roadway with on-street parking permitted. The City of <br />Santa Ana classifies Hazard Avenue as a local roadway <br />with a 60 foot right-of-way and a curb-to-curb width of <br />36 feet. The MPAH designates it as a secondary arterial <br />throughout its length in the study area. On-street park- <br />ing is permitted along the facility except for the <br />approaches to Harbor Boulevard. <br /> <br />7.1.7 Jackson Street <br /> <br />Jackson Street is a two-lane undivided roadway that is <br />classified as a local street with a right-of-way width of <br />60 feet and a curb-to-curb width of 36 feet. The inter- <br />section with First Street has neighborhood identifica- <br />tion improvements including a special roadway treat- <br />ment and a reduced curb-to-curb width at the entry <br />point. The south leg has been provided with a left-turn <br />pocket. Parking is prohibited only at certain times for <br />street cleaning. <br /> <br /> <br />