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.44 <br /> <br />NORTH HARBOR SPECIFIC PLAN <br /> <br />7.1.8 Newhope Street <br /> <br />Newhope Street currently is a four-lane roadway with <br />a continuous two-way left-turn lane. On-street parking <br />is prohibited along Newhope Street between Fifth <br />Street and Westminster Avenue. Parking is permitted <br />south of Fifth Street. Left-turn lanes are provided at the <br />signalized intersections. Newhope Street is classifted <br />as a secondary arterial with a right-of-way width of 80 <br />feet and a curb-to-curb width of 64 feet. <br /> <br />7.1.9 Fairview Street <br /> <br />Faitview Street is a four-lane roadway with a continu- <br />ous, two-way left-turn lane. South of First Street to <br />Edinger Avenue, it is a four-lane divided roadway with <br />turn lanes provided at key intersections. On-street <br />parking is prohibited between First Street and <br />Westminster Avenue, but it is allowed south of First <br />Street to Edinger Avenue. <br /> <br />7.1.10 Figueroa Street <br /> <br />Figueroa is a two-lane roadway classified as a local col- <br />lector street with a right-of-way width of 60 feet and <br />curb-to-curb width of 44 feet. Although outside of the <br />project area, the zoning ordinance allows commercial <br />development to abut Figueroa Street but prohibits such <br />development from deriving access from Figueroa <br />Street. Access may only be provided from Harbor <br />Boulevard. Parking is only prohibited at certain times <br />for street cleaning. <br /> <br />7.1.11 Susan SWeet <br /> <br />Susan Street is a two-lane roadway classified as a local <br />street with a right-of-way width of 60 feet, and curb-to- <br />curb width of 36 feet. The intersections with First <br />Street and Fifth Street are controlled by stop signs. <br /> <br />7.2 HIERARCHY OF STRv.~ 1S <br /> <br />The hierarchy of streets for the North Harbor Specific <br />Plan area reflects the Santa Aha General Plan's <br />Circulation Element and the Orange County Master <br />Plan of Arterial Highways. This hierarchy it shown on <br />Figure 7.1, and typical cross-sections for each street <br />type are shown on Figures 6.2 through 6.3. <br /> <br />7.2.1 Major Arterial Highways <br /> <br />Harbor Boulevard, First Street and Westminster <br />Avenue are all classified as major arterial highways <br /> <br />with a right-of-way width of 120 feet. As such, each <br />street is ultimately expected to have thre~ travel lanes <br />in each direction divided by a median. <br /> <br />7.2..2 Modified-Major Arterial <br /> <br />This type of road may remain on the County MPAH or <br />a City circulation plan in lieu of a major arterial in <br />already developed areas. A narrower right-of-way <br />than the 120 feet may be developed, but not less than <br />100 feet in such cases accommodate a six-lane divided <br />ladlity with a capadty of 30,000 - 45,,000 vehicles per <br />day at Level of Service "C". This requires on-street <br />parking and striping for six lanes where practical, park- <br />ing and bus turnouts. <br /> <br />?.23 Secondav] Arterial Highways <br /> <br />McFadden Avenue, Hazard Avenue west of Harbor <br />Boulevard, and Fifth St~'t east of Harbor Boulevard <br />are designated as secondary arterial highways with a <br />right-of-way width of 80 feet and a curb-to-curb width <br />of 64 feet. Two undivided travel lanes in each <br />direction will be provided ultimately. Note that the <br />Orange County Master Plan of Arterial Highway~ des- <br />ignates Hazard Avenue as a secondary arterial high- <br />way throughout its entire length in the planning area. <br />However, because it dead ends at the Willowick Golf <br />Course, and because it only serves a local residential <br />street function east of Harbor Boulevard, Hazard <br />Avenue has been designated as a local street east of <br />Harbor Boulevard in the City of Santa Ana. <br /> <br />72A Local Collector Streets <br /> <br />Figueroa is dassified as a local collector street with a <br />fight-of-way width of 60 feet and a curb-to-curb width <br />of 36 feet. This will accommodate two travel lanes in <br />each direction with on-street parking. <br /> <br />The remainder of the public roadways in the planning <br />area are designated as local streets with a right.of-way <br />width of 60 feet and a curb-to-curb width of 36 feet. Of <br />the local streets, Jackson Street is the longest and pro- <br />vides the best access to the arterial roadways. As such, <br />it serves more as a collector street than as a local street. <br />No further widening of Jackson Street is proposed, <br />however. <br /> <br /> <br />