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8~Thi~Ph~e <br /> <br />The third phase is intended to follow the completion of <br />Phase Two and includes the following discrete actions: <br /> <br />· Construction of the southern loop road con- <br />necting McFadden Avenue with Camille <br />Street e~st of North Harbor Boulevard. This <br />should be accomplished as part of any future <br />development at the northwest intersection of <br />McFadden Avenue and North Harbor <br /> <br />· Landscaping and other street improve <br />merits, as shown as third phase street <br />improvements on Figure 8.1. <br /> <br />8.3 OTHER PLANNING DOCUMENTS <br /> <br />8.3.1 General Plan Amendment <br /> <br />The City of Santa Ana General Plan shall be amended <br />upon adoption of this specific plan to reflect fully all <br />provisions of this specific plan. Minimally, the Land <br />Use Element shall be amended based on the recom- <br />mendation of the Specific Plan and shall refer users to <br />the Specific Plan for precise polities. The Circulation <br />Element shall reflect all appropriate circulation-related <br />recommendations of this specific plan. <br /> <br />8.3.2 Zoning Ordinance Amendment <br /> <br />Zoning throughout the Specific Plan area shall be <br />changed to SP-2 upon adoption of this specific plan. <br />The Santa Aha Municipal Code shall be used for all <br />issues not addressed by the Specific Plan. <br /> <br />8A PLAN IMPROVEMENTS FINANCING <br /> <br />8A.1 Ci~ulation Improvements Financing District <br /> <br />Traffic generated from future development within the <br />North Harbor Specific Plan area, and traffic generated <br />from other development throughout the general area <br />surrounding North Harbor Boulevard will increase <br />intersection congestion as identified in the traffic study <br />prepared in conjunction with this specific plan.*** <br /> <br />It is proposed that the City of Santa Ana create a financ- <br />ing district or other similar-structured revenue-generat- <br />ing source for the purposes of establishing a fund that <br /> <br />will provide for area-wide circulation imp. mvemants as <br />described in the traffic study. The finaficing district <br />should be structured in such a way that each new <br />development contributes money to the district in pro- <br />portion to its sharo of total traffic at each intersection at <br />total buildout of the General Plan. in this way, no <br />development located adjacent to an intersection that <br />requires major improvements will be required to ulti- <br />mately bear the entire cost of improvements at the <br />intersection; rather, these costs will be spread out over <br />a larger area over time. <br /> <br />The district either can be funded both thruugh one-time <br />or on-going assessments on new development on indi- <br />vidual property owners, or through a combination of <br />both methods. These assessments can be used as rev- <br />enue to fund improvement bonds. <br /> <br />The boundaries of the traffic improvements benefit <br />assessment district should be set to correspond at a <br />minimum with the area covered by the traffic study. <br />This area is defined by the Garden Grove Freeway on <br />the north (SR-22), Edinger Avenue on the south, <br />Newhope Street on the west and Fairview Street on the <br />east. <br /> <br />Because the boundaries for the proposed benefit assess- <br />ment district lie within the cities of Santa Aha, Garden <br />Grove and Fountain Valley, a joint powers authority to <br />fund and coordinate the necessary circulation improve- <br />ments called for in this specific plan and in the traffic <br />study should be established. <br /> <br />8.5 PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS HNANCING ~ <br /> <br />The City of Santa Aha will follow its current plan to <br />upgrade the public improvements of the planning area <br />as described in the seven-year Capital Improvement <br />Program and in the North Harbor Redevelopment <br />Plan. Funding for these improvements will come from <br />the City's general fund, tax increment from the <br />Redevelopment Agency, and other County, State and <br />Federal resources. <br /> <br />The City of Santa Ana may explore the creation of <br />improvement districts in and around the North Harbor <br />Boulevard planning area. Improvement districts can be <br />used to provide needed public right-of-way, the con- <br />struction of other proposed improvements, including <br />landscape improvements, entry features and other <br />major area enhancements called for as part of the spe- <br />cific plan. <br /> <br />58 <br /> <br /> q <br /> <br />0 <br /> <br /> <br />