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8.6 COMMERCIAL REHABILITATION LOAN <br />LOAN PROGRAM <br /> <br />A commercial rehabilitation loan program for business- <br />es in the North Harbor Specific Plan area is proposed. <br />This program is to be .used as funds are available to <br />provide Iow interest loans and other financial incent- <br />tives to business and property owners with uses that <br />are consistent with the land use standards of this spe- <br />cific plan, or wish to bring their business into full con- <br />formance with City Codes and the Specific Plan. The <br />loans may be used for a full range of physical improve- <br />ments including facade improvements, parking lot <br />improvements, landscaping or signage replacement. <br />Sources of funds for the rehabiliation loan program <br />may include existing and future Community <br />Development Block Grant funds, redevelopment funds <br />or other funds that may become available in the future. <br /> <br />An active code enforcement program may be coupled <br />with the commercial rehabilitation loan program. <br /> <br />in and around the planning area to "E" or worse. If <br />reductions in levels of service to 'E" or worse anywhere <br />in and around the planning area would result, then <br />occupancy permits for the project may not be issued <br />until such time as appropriate intersection are in place. <br /> <br />8.7 PROJECT APPROVAL AND ADEQUACY OF <br />PUBLIC FACILITIES <br /> <br />Prior to the approval of any development permit pur- <br />suant to the provisions of this specific plan, the approv- <br />ing body shall certify that adequate public facilities, <br />utilities and services are in place or are otherwise fund- <br />ed to service the project, and that implementation of <br />the project will not reduce the level or adequacy of ser- <br />vices to others including drculation in and around the <br />planning area. <br /> <br />For pro'~octs larger than four acres in size, or for those <br />that will generate more than 500 average daily vehicu- <br />lar trips, a traffic study shall be prepared to evaluate <br />whether sufficient capacity exists at area intersections <br />to service trips associated with the project and whether <br />project traffic will contibute to a significant diminution <br />in levels of service at major area intersections. If the <br />study finds that insufficient capacity exists or that there <br />will be a significant diminution in levels of service, the <br />project shall not be approved until appropriate mea- <br />sures have been implemented or otherwise funded or <br />that a Statement of Overriding Considerations is <br />approved by the City Council as part of a required <br />environmental impact report. All studies performed <br />under that provisions of this section shall include all <br />cumulative traffic generated by development through- <br />out the North Harbor Spedfic Plan Area. Contributions <br />to the area-wide circulation improvement district <br /> <br /> <br />