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NORTH HARBOR SPECIFIC PLAN <br /> <br />101 <br /> <br />INTRODUCTION <br /> <br />The North Harbor Specific Plan provides standards for <br />land use, circulation, public services, general design, <br />architecture and landsc.aping within the planning area. <br /> <br />The planning area is bounded to the north by <br />Westminster Avenue, to the south by the Fountain <br />Valley city limits, and to the west and east a distance of <br />approximately 500 feet from Harbor Boulevard. The <br />planning area encompasses approximately 424.6 acres. <br /> <br />A larger area around the Harbor Boulevard planning <br />area has also been designated as a study area. <br />Encompassing approximately 1,000 acres, the study <br />area incorporates the whole community lying east of <br />Newhope Street, west of the Santa Ana River, south of <br />Westminster Avenue and north of the Fountain Valley <br />city limits. The purpose of the study area is to achieve <br />coordination between future plans for Harbor <br />Boulevard with the larger residential community sur- <br />rounding it and to ensure that the activity on Harbor <br />Boulevard does not negatively impact properties with- <br />in the study area <br /> <br />1.1 PURPOSE AND INTENT <br /> <br />The purpose of the North Harbor Specific Plan is to <br />develop an implementable planning document to <br />improve the Harbor Boulevard Corridor. The docu- <br />ment provides an overall long-term strategy for <br />upgrading of Harbor Boulevard between Westminster <br />Avenue and the Fountain Valley/Santa Ana city limits. <br /> <br />The document addresses concerns in the areas of traffic <br />and visual quality and land use while respecting the <br />needs of property owners in the planning area. The <br />Specific Plan also develops appropriate land use stan- <br />dards and a mix of services along the corridor. City and <br />local property owners and businesses are provided <br />with clear guidelines for future development. It <br />respects and preserves the historical and cultural fea- <br />tures of the area to the maximum extent possible. <br />Additionally, it identifies effective areas for investment <br />for both public and private resources. <br /> <br />1~. AUTHORITY AND SCOPE <br /> <br />In accordance with California law, the City of Santa <br />Ana's General Plan sets forth land use designation and <br />guidelines to direct overall development of the City in <br />such a way that the public safety needs and well-being <br />of the citizens of Santa Aha are addressed. All projects <br />are required to be consistent with this General Plan. In <br /> <br />addition to the general plan, California state law allows <br />cities and counties the right to adopt specific measures <br />and means to implement their general plan. A specific <br />plan is one instrument by which those measures and <br />means am accomplished. <br /> <br />The specific plan provides the link between a city's <br />general plan, its city-wide policies, and development <br />regulations, such as zoning ordinances and subdivision <br />to be applied to specific development proposals within <br />a focused area. <br /> <br />California Government Code Section 65451 states that a <br />specific plan shall include text and graphics that dis- <br />cuss in detail all of the following subjects: <br /> <br />1. The distribution, location and extent of the <br /> uses of land, including open space, within <br /> the area covered by the plan. <br /> <br />2. The proposed distribution, location, extent <br /> and intensity of major components of pub- <br /> lic and private transportation, sewage, <br /> water, drainage, solid waste disposal, ener- <br /> gy and other essential facilities proposed to <br /> be located within the area. <br /> <br />Any and all development and design stan- <br />dards, including criteria for conserving, <br />developing and utilizing natural resources. <br /> <br />A process including regulations, programs, <br />pubtic works projects and financing mea- <br />sures to implement all of the above. <br /> <br />This Specific Plan establishes performance, design and <br />use guidelines in order to direct future development <br />within the Harbor Boulevard area while maintaining <br />flexibility as development proceeds. It is the intent of <br />the North Harbor Specific Plan to respond to issues of <br />sensitive land use, landscape design, architectural treat- <br />ment, logical phasing of development, and efficieht <br />provision of public services in the future. This Specific <br />Plan contains broad policy implication as typically <br />found in a general plan as well as detailed develop- <br />ment and design standards found in a zoning ordi- <br /> <br />1.3 SUMMARY <br /> <br />Harbor Boulevard serves as both a local and regional <br />transportation corridor as well as serving as a local and <br /> <br /> <br />