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NORTH HARBOR SPECIFIC PLAN <br /> <br />regional commercial center. <br /> <br />The overriding issue to be addressed in any planning <br />effort for the area is the image it projects both locally <br />and regionally. Through this Specific Plan, program <br />goals have been established that will ensure that uses <br />along Harbor Boulevard will respond to both com- <br />munity and regional needs. <br /> <br />This Specific Plan addresses existing conditions on <br />Harbor Boulevard (Appendix 1-11) the issues that arise <br />from those conditions, the goals of the City, the con- <br />tiguous community, and the needs of business and <br />landowners. During the preparation of the Plan, vari- <br />ous land use alternatives were developed from which a <br />preferred alternative (concept) was selected. Based on <br />this preferred alternative, development standards have <br />been generated. In addition, the Plan identifies certain <br />locations within the planning area that are of special <br />interest and therefore, have been designated as Focus <br />Project Areas. Chapter 5 examines these issues. <br /> <br />A series of design recommendat'.ons and standards tie <br />together all of the visual, traffic, urban design and <br />socio-economic issues. <br /> <br />The implementation chapter of the Specific Plan syn- <br />thesizes the issues, goals and objectives of the Plan. It <br />outlines how the Plan is to be realized through plan <br />adoption, phasing and zoning changes. The practical <br />issues of cost and traffic mitigation are also included in <br />this discussion. <br /> <br />1.4 ADMINISTRATING THE PLAN <br /> <br />The North Harbor Specific Plan has been designed to <br />accommodate development changes along this com- <br />mercial corridor. Its intent is to provide a regulatory <br />mechanism that is flexible in its enforcement and <br />responsive to future changes and needs of the business <br />community. It is also designed to protect and enhance <br />the interests of the neighboring residences. The balance <br />between these interests, commercial and neighborhood, <br />remains the heart of the Specific Plan; therein, lies the <br />philosophy of the Specific Plan. <br /> <br />It becomes a challenge to the City of Santa Aha to justly <br />administer these concepts. The Specific Plan is written <br />in such a way to allow interpretations to be made. <br />These interpretations shall be guided by the philosophy <br />of the Specific Plan. In cases that are unclear or can be <br />interpreted in such a way that accommodates a positive <br />reinforcement of the philosophy, the administrator's <br />decision shall abide. <br /> <br />3 <br /> <br />The Specific Plan is written as a regulatory tool to pro- <br />mote, not disallow changes. The North Harbor Spedfic <br />Plan shall clearly be a document to respond to the <br />needs and desires of those interests under its jurisdic- <br />tion. Harbor Boulevard shall become a place that can <br />accommodate unorthodox, creative, yet logical busi- <br />ness maneuvers required for economic survival. The <br />Specific Plan also ensures that the neighboring resi- <br />dences will not be negatively impacted by commercial <br />activities occurring along Harbor Boulevard. <br /> <br />All properties within the boundaries of the North <br />Harbor Specific Plan shall be subject to the regulations, <br />provisions and criteria adopted therein. <br /> <br />Existing properties within the corridor shall be <br />required to comply with the regulations unless the fol- <br />lowing occurs: <br /> <br />1. The property has been vacant for more than <br /> twelve (12) consecutive months and is to <br /> be occupied by a tenant which does not <br /> conform to the criteria of the Specific Plan <br /> but does not constitute a change from the <br /> previous permitted use. Properties which <br /> meet this criteria must, however, comply <br /> with current parking and signage regula- <br /> tions. This provision, if adopted, shall <br /> expire January 1,1999. After that time, all <br /> properties must comply with the regula- <br /> tions prescribed in the North Harbor Spe- <br /> cific Plan and the existing non-conforming <br /> ordinance. <br /> <br />Existing non-conforming properties that <br />are to be occupied by uses that conform to <br />the uses established by the Specific Plan <br />shall only be mqulmt to meet the parking <br />and signage requirements of the Plan. This <br />applies to all properties which comply with <br />the uses prescribed by the Plan regardless <br />of an intensification of use or elapsed <br />vacancy time. This provision shall expire <br />on January 1,1999. After this date, all <br />properties shall conform in all respects to <br />the criteria prescribed within the North <br />Harbor Specific Plan and the existing non- <br />conforming ordinance. <br /> <br />Adult entertainment uses as described in <br />Sections 41-12.1, 41-12.2 and 41-12.3 shall <br />be prohibited from establishing operations <br />within the boundaries prescribed by the <br />North Harbor Specific Plan. All <br />regulated uses per Section 41-191 of the <br />Santa Aha Munidpal Code shall be prohib- <br />ited with the exception of night clubs in <br />conjunction with bonafide eating provi- <br />sions. In these cases, a conditional use per <br />mit will be required. <br /> <br /> <br />