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NS-2436 - Amending Chapter 35, Article VI, the Utility Users Tax Code
2000 - 2010 (NS-2416-2812)
2000 (NS-2416 - NS-2458)
NS-2436 - Amending Chapter 35, Article VI, the Utility Users Tax Code
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6/26/2003 10:08:09 AM
City Clerk
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104 <br /> <br />administrator within thirty (30) days of such use an estimated amount of tax measured <br />by the tax billed in the previous month, or upon the payment pattern of similar <br />customers of the service supplier using similar amounts of gas or electricity, provided <br />that the service user shall submit an adjusted payment or request for credit, as <br />appropriate, within sixty (60) days following each calendar quarter. The credit, if <br />approved by the tax administrator, may be applied against any subsequent tax bill that <br />becomes due. <br /> <br />(b) The tax administrator may require said service user to identify its non-utility <br />service supplier and provide, subject to audit, invoices, books of account, or other <br />satisfactory evidence documenting the quantity of gas or electricity used, including any <br />related supplemental services, and the cost or price thereof. If the service user is <br />unable to provide such satisfactory evidence, or, if the administrative cost of calculating <br />the tax in the opinion of the tax administrator is excessive, the tax administrator may <br />determine the tax by applying the tax rate to the equivalent charges the service user <br />would have incurred if the gas or electricity used, including any related supplemental <br />services, had been provided by the service supplier that is the primary provider of gas <br />or electricity within the City. Rate schedules for this purpose shall be available from the <br />city. <br /> <br />Sec. 35-159. Water User Tax. <br /> <br />(a) There is hereby imposed a tax upon every person in the City of Santa Ana using <br />water in the City which is delivered through a pipeline distribution system. The tax <br />imposed by this section shall be at the rate of six (6%) percent of the charges made for <br />such water and shall be collected from the service user by the service supplier, or its <br />billing agent. <br /> <br />(b) As used in this section, the term "charges" shall apply to all services, <br />components and items that are: i) necessary or common to the receipt, use and <br />enjoyment of water service; or, ii) currently, or historically have been, included in a <br />single or bundled rate for water service by a local distribution company to a class of <br />retail customers. The term "charges" shall include, but is not limited to, the following <br />charges: <br /> <br />(1) water commodity charges (potable and non-potable); <br />(2) distribution or transmission charges; <br />(3) metering charges; <br />(4) customer charges, late charges, service establishment or reestablishment <br />charges, franchise fees, franchise surcharges, annual and monthly charges, and <br />other charges, fees and surcharges which are necessary for or common to the <br />receipt, use and enjoyment of water service; and, <br />(5) charges, fees, or surcharges for water services or programs, which are <br />mandated by a water district or a state or federal agency, whether or not such <br />charges, fees, or surcharges appear on a bundled or line item basis on the <br />customer billing. <br /> <br />Ordinance No. NS-2436 <br />Page 10 of 22 <br /> <br /> <br />
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