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NS-2436 - Amending Chapter 35, Article VI, the Utility Users Tax Code
2000 - 2010 (NS-2416-2812)
2000 (NS-2416 - NS-2458)
NS-2436 - Amending Chapter 35, Article VI, the Utility Users Tax Code
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6/26/2003 10:08:09 AM
City Clerk
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103 <br /> <br />(d) The tax administrator, from time to time, may survey the gas service suppliers to <br />identify the various unbundled billing components of gas retail service that they <br />commonly provide to residential and commemial/industrial customers in the City, and <br />the charges therefor, including those items that are mandated by state or federal <br />regulatory agencies as a condition of providing such gas service. The tax administrator, <br />thereafter, may issue and disseminate to such gas service suppliers an administrative <br />ruling identifying those components and items which are: i) necessary or common to <br />the receipt, use and enjoyment of gas service; or, ii) currently, or historically have been, <br />included in a single or bundled rate for gas service by a local distribution company to a <br />class of retail customers. Unbundled charges for such components and items shall be <br />subject to the tax of subsection (a) above. <br /> <br />(e) There shall be excluded from the base on which the tax imposed in this section is <br />computed: <br /> <br />(1) Charges made for gas which is to be resold and delivered through a <br />pipeline distribution system; <br />(2) Charges made for gas sold for use in the generation of electricity or for the <br />production or distribution of water by a public utility or governmental agency; and <br />(3) Charges made by a gas public utility for gas used and consumed in the <br />conduct of the business of gas public utilities. <br /> <br />(f) The tax that is calculated on charges for gas provided by self-production or by a <br />non-utility service supplier not under the jurisdiction of this code shall be collected and <br />remitted in the manner set forth in section 35-158 of this code. All other taxes imposed <br />in this section shall be collected from the service user by the gas service supplier or its <br />billing agent. The amount of tax collected in one (1) month shall be remitted to the tax <br />administrator on or before the twentieth (20th) day of the following month in accordance <br />with section 35-163 of this code; or, at the option of the person required to collect or <br />remit the tax, such person shall remit an estimated amount of tax measured by the tax <br />billed in the previous month or upon the payment pattern of the service user on or <br />before the twentieth (20th) day of the following month in accordance with section 35-163 <br />of this code. <br /> <br />Sec. 35-158. Collection of tax from service users receiving direct purchase <br />of gas or electricity. <br /> <br />(a) Any service user subject to the tax imposed by section 35-156 or by section 35- <br />157 of this code, which produces gas or electricity for self-use, or which receives gas or <br />electricity, including any related supplemental services, directly from a non-utility service <br />supplier not under the jurisdiction of this ordinance, or which, for any other reason, is <br />not having the full tax collected and remitted by its service supplier, a non-utility service <br />supplier, or its billing agent on the use of gas or electricity, including any related <br />supplemental services, in the City, shall report said fact to the tax administrator and <br />shall remit the tax due directly to the tax administrator within thirty (30) days of such <br />use. In lieu of paying said actual tax, the service user may, at its option, remit to the tax <br /> <br />Ordinance No. NS-2436 <br /> Page 9 of 22 <br /> <br /> <br />
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