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acceptance <br />checking to <br />chapter. <br /> <br />of dedications and acknowledgments and such other matters as require <br />insure compliance with the provisions of the law and the provisions of this <br /> <br /> (c) If the final map is in the correct form prescribed by the map act and this <br />chapter and the matters shown thereon are sufficient, their correctness shall be certified <br />on the map and -the map shall be approved by the city engineer in the form prescribed <br />by the map act and this chapter. The city enqineer shall approve or disapprove the final <br />map within ten days fo owing the meetinq of the city council. He shall thereupon <br />transmit said map together with said other materials to the clerk of the council for <br />pr ............ tc *h~...v -...j"~* ........ vv-...-.." certification pursuant to this chapter. The city engineer. <br />shall notify the applicant or any interested party by certified mail of the approval or <br />disapproval of the final map. The date of the certified letter shall constitute the date of <br />the decision by the city enqineer. <br /> <br /> (d) Any interested party, individual or .qroup may appeal the decision of the city <br />engineer made pursuant to this section to the City Council within ten (10) days after <br />receivin.q notification of such decision by filinq a written notice of appeal to the city clerk. <br />Further, such appeal period shall end at 5:00 p.m. on the tenth calendar day foliowin.q <br />such date of the decision by the city en.qineer. If such tenth calendar day ends on a <br />Saturday, Sunday or holiday, the ten-day period shall end at 5:00 p.m. on the next re.qular <br />business day. Approval of the final map by the city engineer shall become effective on the <br />day followin.q the ten-day appeal period, unless the city council holds a public hearing on <br />the matter, then the decision of the city council will become effective on the day followin.q <br />the hearin.q and decision by the city council. <br /> <br /> The wdtten notice of appeal shall contain a specific statement of the point or points <br />of disaqreement and shall set out specifically the points of disagreement or removal of <br />conditions established by the city en.qineer, and the reasons and iustifications therefor. <br />Such written request for hearinq must contain a statement of willingness to extend the time <br />of approval of the map for a pedod of an additional thirty (30) days <br /> <br /> Such appeal shall be placed on the agenda of the city council for its next regular <br />meeting, at which time the city council shall declare that a public hearinq on the matter <br />will be held at its next subsequent regularly scheduled meetin.q. The interveninq time <br />may be used by the city council for further investigation of the matters in question. <br /> <br /> At the regularly scheduled city council meeting set for public hearinq of the <br />appeal, the city council shall consider the appeal de novo and shall seek such additional <br />testimony or advice as they may feel desirable to assist in reachin,q a decision. The city <br />council shall approve or disapprove the final map within ten (10) days following the <br />conclusion of the public hearin.q, and make written findin.qs supportin.q its decision as <br />may required by the Subdivision Map Act. <br /> <br />Ordinance No. NS-2482 <br /> Page 13 of 16 <br /> <br /> <br />