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NS-2497 - Approving a Second Amendment to the Development Agreement Between the City of Santa Ana and Discovery Museum of Orange County
2000 - 2010 (NS-2416-2812)
2002 (NS-2486 - NS-2519)
NS-2497 - Approving a Second Amendment to the Development Agreement Between the City of Santa Ana and Discovery Museum of Orange County
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1/3/2012 1:01:45 PM
Creation date
6/26/2003 10:08:09 AM
City Clerk
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not result in newimpacts bey)nd the impacts previOuslY analyzed in FEIR 96-01 and would noi' ' <br />substantiallyincrease the se,.erity of any impact to cultural rescurces identified in FE~. 96-01. <br />Implementation of the proposed project ~vould not involve any activities that ~muld increase the risk <br />for significant impacts to known and/or unknown cultural rescurces. Additionally, no new information <br />has been made available since preparaticn of FEIR 96-01 that would adversely affect the cultural <br />resource anal)sis, mitigation measures and en'fironmental determinations made in FEIR 96-01. <br /> <br />Population/Housing/Employment <br /> <br />Potential project related and curmlative population, housing, and employment impacts associated with <br />the implementation of the DSC project were adequatelyevaluated in FEIR 96-01. FEIR 96-01 <br />determined that implementation of the DSC project would not result in anysignificant population, <br />housing, or emplo)~ent impacts and v;ould result in an actual benefit tothe community. The <br />increased de',elopment area proposed for DSC Phase 1I would not result in new population, housing, <br />or employment impacts bey)nd the impacts previously.analyzed in FEIR 96-01 and would not <br />substantiallyincrease the sexerity of any population, housing, or employment impact identified in <br />FEIR 96-01, in that the amoun[ of potential employment opportunities ganerated by the proposed <br />project v.'ould not exceed the employment projections in FEIR 96-01. Additionally, no new <br />information has been made available since preparatim of FEIR 96-01 that would adversely affect the <br />analysis and environmental determinations made in FEIR 96-01. <br /> <br />Public Services and Utilities <br /> <br />Potential project related and cum. fiative impacts to public sen*ices and utilities asscciated with the <br />implementation of the DSC project were adequatelyevaluated in FEIR 96-01. FEIR 96-01 determined <br />that the DSC project would not result in significant impacts regarding the demand for natural gas, <br />electficity, telephone service, public transit, and schc~ls. Mitigation measures were included in FEIR <br />96-01 to reduce potential impacts to water sera, ce and cable service to a level considered less thai! <br />significant. FEIR 96-01, however, determined that implementation of the DSC project would not <br />result in significant impacts. The increased dexelopment proposed for DSC Phase II would not result <br />in new impacts to any public services or utilities bey)nd the impacts previously analyzed in FEIR 96- <br />01 and would not substantially increase the sexerity of any public sen'ice or utility impact identified in <br />FEIR 96-01, in that the public semite and utility demands associated with the proposed project would <br />not exceed the public ser',ice and utilitydemand projections established in FEIR 96-01. Additionally, <br />no new information has been made available since preparatioa of FEIR 96-01 that would adversely <br />affect the public senice and utilityimpact analysis, mitigation measures, and environmental <br />detemfinations made in FEIR 96-01. <br /> <br /> Aesthetics/Light and Glare <br /> <br /> Potential project related and curmlative aesthetic impgcts and shade and shadowy impacts asscciated <br /> with the implementation of the DSC project were adequatelyevaluated in FEIR 96-01. FE[R 96-01 <br /> determined that implementation of the DSC project would not result in anysignificant aesthetic <br /> impacts. Miti~mtion measures were included in FEIR 96-01 to reduce potential glare and li~ting <br /> impacts to a level considered less than sigaificant. The projected height of the building housing the <br /> domed theater is 106 feet, v. hile the existing cube stn.~cture is 107 feet. The proposed project would <br /> not result in new aesthetic impacts or shade and shadow impacts be)x>nd the impacts previously <br />- OrdL~ance No. NS-2497 <br /> <br />8 <br /> <br />Page 40 of 49 <br /> <br /> Pag~-S of 17 <br /> <br /> <br />
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